Call for Applications:
Editorship of the Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy
The AAEA Executive Board invites applications for one editor for Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy (AEPP) to serve from 2017 through 2019. This call for applications is for an editor to manage Submitted Articles which contain original research results addressing real-world problems with sound research approaches and/or have strong policy relevance within the subject matter of the journal. The degree to which candidate’s expertise complements that of the continuing editors, will be considered in the selection process. AAEA is particularly interested in candidates who will bring ideas and innovations for helping AEPP to further its mission.
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Renew Your AAEA Membership for 2016
You can now renew your AAEA membership for 2016 on the AAEA website. Simply log in to the “My Account” section to renew. Completing your renewal online saves you time by filling out most of the information for you automatically.
You will need to be a current AAEA member in order to vote in the Executive Board Election, which runs April 15-May 15.
2016 Executive Election Candidates: |
- GianCarlo Moschini, Iowa State University
- Scott Swinton, Michigan State University
- Joe Balagtas, Purdue University
- Jeffrey Dorfman, University of Georgia
- Ken Foster, Purdue University
- Madhu Khanna, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Registration & Housing are Open: 
2016 AAEA Annual Meeting
The majority of the 2016 AAEA Annual Meeting activities will take place at the Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston, MA. Room blocks have been secured and all rooms are on a first-come, first-served basis. Deadline date for the AAEA group rate is Thursday, July 7. Reserve your room in advance to guarantee a room at the discounted AAEA rate.
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Undergraduate Student Section:
2016 AAEA Annual Meeting Activities
On behalf of the Undergraduate Student Section of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, we cordially invite you and your students to attend and participate in the AAEA Annual Meeting in Boston (July 31-August 2, 2016). Our section offers a wide variety of professional development opportunities for undergraduate students of agricultural and applied economics:
- Academic Bowl Competition
- Student Paper Competition
- Earl O. Heady Decision Sciences Spreadsheet Competition
- Outstanding Chapter Competition
- Creative Club Competition
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Call for Participation:
AEM/GSS Sections Case Study Competition
The AEM/Graduate Student Section Case Study Competition allows graduate students to test their communication skills and their ability to apply their knowledge of agricultural economics and agribusiness subjects to practical situations. Students competing in the competition will receive a copy of the case study at least two weeks in advance of the AAEA annual meetings.
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Call for Submissions
2017 ASSA Annual Meeting
President-Elect Jayson Lusk is soliciting proposals and suggestions for AAEA invited paper sessions at the 2017 Allied Social Sciences Association (ASSA) Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, January, 6-8, 2017. Preference will be given to those proposals that add to knowledge on public issues of national and international importance or expand capabilities and tools for economic research.
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Other News
2016-2 GTAP 101 Course
“Introduction to Computable General Equilibrium Modeling”
The objective of the GTAP 101 course is to engage participants in an active, team-based process of learning about the GTAP computable general equilibrium (CGE) model and its use in applied economic policy analysis. The curriculum emphasizes an intuitive and graphical treatment of economic theory in the CGE model, and provides structured experiences in manipulating and running the standard GTAP Model within the RunGTAP software environment. RunGTAP is an intuitive, menu-driven CGE model that minimizes technological hurdles and allows students to quickly begin to focus on their economic thinking and experimentation. The curriculum is geared to advanced undergraduates, graduates and professionals. At the end of the course, participants will be entry-level modelers and more informed consumers of CGE-based analyses. The course also serves as an entry point for developing the technical skills required for the GTAP Short Course.
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