2017 AAEA Annual Meeting:
FAMPS Track Sessions
The leadership of the Food and Ag Marketing Policy Section (FAMPS) of the AAEA is organizing track sessions for the 2017 AAEA Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, July 30-August 1, 2017.
We are asking that you submit your proposed track section ideas (send to: Jane.Kolodinsky@uvm.edu and alessandro.bonanno@colostate.edu ) by Friday, November 11.
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2017 AAEA Annual Meeting:
CRENET Track Sessions
The leadership of the Community and Regional Economics Network (CRENET) of AAEA is organizing track sessions for the 2017 AAEA Annual Meetings in Chicago, IL, July 30-August 1, 2017.
All proposals should be submitted to Becca Jablonski (Becca.Jablonski@colostate.edu) by Friday, November 11.
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2017 AAEA Annual Meeting:
TLC Track Sessions
The leadership of the Teaching, Learning, and Communications (TLC) of AAEA is organizing track sessions for the 2017 AAEA Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, scheduled July 30-August 1, 2017.
Submit your track session proposals (send to: mbampasidou@agcenter.lsu.edu) by Monday, November 14.
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New Section Announcement:
Specialty Crop Economics Section
The Specialty Crop Economics Section has just formed! This new section’s objective is to bring together and offer a forum for AAEA members interested in the topical areas of marketing and consumption, trade, policy, farm and agribusiness management, sustainability and risk management for specialty crops (fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, floriculture, and nursery crops). The section will recognize outstanding economic research and extension contributions related to specialty crops.
The section fee is $10 for regular members and free for student members. We encourage you to join and help shape the focus of this section!
AgEcon Search Milestone
AgEcon Search has just reached another milestone: its 100,000th paper.
- Stobbe, Tracy, 2016. Making Sense of the Dollars Spent at Farmers’ Markets. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 47(2):138-161. http://purl.umn.edu/240765
The Journal of Food Distribution Research was one of the first journals to be included in AgEcon Search, and to date there are 1,986 papers dating from Volume 1 in 1969 to the present. It is one of over 90 journals included in AgEcon Search.
This year is the 20th anniversary of AgEcon Search and we are in the midst of a move to a new software platform with enhanced searching and display options.
Other News
2017 EAAE in Parma, Italy:
Call for Contributions
Agri-food systems in Europe and elsewhere often face conflicting incentives and signals arising from markets and society, and need to make trade-offs. Sustainability advocacy groups are putting societal concerns like animal welfare, food safety, cultural heritage, food sovereignty, and carbon footprint on the agenda of policy makers and stakeholders in the food value chain. However, there are many challenges to overcome, especially when more sustainable food systems face conflicting goals, and households’ purchasing decisions are mainly price driven.
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IMMANA Fellowships:
Call for Applications
The Friedman School of Nutrition at Tufts University and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine are pleased to announce the third of four planned rounds of Post-Doctoral Fellowships for Emerging Leaders in Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health Research (IMMANA Fellowships), funded with UK aid from the UK government through the Department for International Development (DFID). For 2017-2018, IMMANA will award six 12-month post-doctoral fellowships to early career researchers who are using and developing or adapting these new methodological approaches with mentors in ongoing research programs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
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2017 Economics and Managements of Risks in Agriculture and Natural Resources Annual Meeting:
Call for Submissions
The SCC-76 “Economics and Management of Risks in Agriculture and Natural Resources” Group is soliciting submissions for the 2017 Annual Meeting, taking place March 30 – April 1, 2017 in Pensacola Beach, FL.
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