Oral Presentations

All Oral Presentations will take place as part of the Concurrent Sessions. The preliminary schedule of Concurrent Sessions is available under the Events page.
Tips for Selected Presentation Presenters
With just 15 minutes to present, the key to success is to identify a clear message—the essence of your work. You will have time to sketch out the full paper. But remember that audience members will retain just 1-2 points, so design the talk around supporting and delivering a clear message. Your goal should be to tell the audience just enough to pique their interest and follow up with you or read your paper. Aim for no more than 15 slides (one per minute), so design carefully to make the most of this time budget. There will be 5 minutes of discussion, so you can address specific details at that time.
Part of your job in your session is to provide active feedback to your co-presenters. Be sure to read their papers before the session and be ready to ask them questions. Session moderators will coordinate with presenters to ensure a computer is available for the session. Plan to send your slides to the moderator in advance of the meeting or be sure to arrive at your session room 20 minutes ahead of the start time to ensure that your presentation is loaded onto the computer before the session begins.
Tips for Lightning Session Presenters
AAEA will be piloting one Lightning Session in Minneapolis. If you are participating in this session, you will have 8 minutes to present. The key to success in this format is to identify a clear message—the essence of your work. Design the talk around supporting and delivering the message. Your goal should be to tell people just enough to entice them to follow up with you afterward to learn more. You are limited to 8 slides total, so design them with care to convey your message creatively and effectively.
Tips for Session Moderators
The goal of moderating these sessions is to foster interesting discussion and helpful feedback on presentations. Plan to moderate actively. Discussion time is valuable for both attendees and presenters. Read all the papers in advance (all papers are available on AgEcon Search). Prepare 1-2 questions on each paper, to be ready to start discussion. Two weeks before the conference, circulate papers among all presenters in the session, asking them to read their colleagues’ papers. Let presenters know that a 15 minute time allotment will be rigidly enforced. At the session, manage presentation time to allow at least 5 minutes of discussion time per presentation. Invite questions after each presentation (rather than collective discussion at end of period). Allow time for audience members to initiate questions, but be ready to ask the first one.
As moderator, you should arrange for a presentation computer, which can be your computer or that of one of the presenters. Plan to arrive at your session room 20 minutes ahead of the start time to ensure that all presentations are loaded onto the computer before the session begins.
Moderator Pre-Meeting Instructions
Pre-Meeting Conference Call with Moderators (mp3)
Audio/Visual Equipment Provided
Please note that each presentation room will be equipped with an LCD projector, screen, and microphone. Presenters will be responsible for bringing their own laptop and VGA adaptors, if needed.
NOTE: Laptop computers and overhead projectors are not provided. Please plan accordingly.
AgEcon Search Submissions
All AAEA Selected Papers and Posters must be submitted to AgEcon Search by May 28. Please consult the instructions for submission for more information.