Thank you to everyone who joined us in Anaheim! The conversations continue with more virtual sessions over the next couple of weeks and into September. Find the session times below for all upcoming events that can be found in the AAEA App. Please note that times on the app/platform are in Pacific.
Link to Platform for Registered Attendees:
When you click on the link if you get a screen that says “Oops Something Went Wrong” click on “sign in” on the upper right hand corner of the page; login, then it will take you to the platform.
Please contact the AAEA Business Office at or (414) 918-3190 with any questions.
View photos from the AAEA photographer here.
Virtual Sessions |
Date | Time (CST) |
Event | Session Type |
August 4 | 9:00 am | Agricultural Policy and Agricultural Finance and Management Virtual Session | Selected Presentation Sessions |
August 5 | 9:00 am | Behavioral and Institutional Economics Virtual Session | Selected Presentation Sessions |
August 8 | 9:00 am | Environmental Economics and Policy Virtual Session | Selected Presentation Sessions |
August 9 | 9:00 am | Food Safety, Nutrition, and Policy and Food and Agricultural Marketing Virtual Session | Selected Presentation Sessions |
August 10 | 9:00 am | Health Economics Virtual Session | Selected Presentation Sessions |
August 11 | 9:00 am | International Development: Households, Technology, and Environment Virtual Session | Selected Presentation Sessions |
August 12 | 9:00 am | Household and Labor Economics and Rural/Community Development Virtual Session | Selected Presentation Sessions |
August 15 | 9:00 am | Virtual Poster Session 1 | Selected Presentation Poster Sessions |
August 16 | 9:00 am | Virtual Poster Session 2 | Selected Presentation Poster Sessions |
August 17 | 9:00 am | Virtual Poster Session 3 | Selected Presentation Poster Sessions |
August 18 | 9:00 am | Multiple Topic Lightning Virtual Session | Selected Presentation Sessions |
August 23 | 11:00 am | Linking Data for Research in Public Health and Nutrition Research | Organized Symposia |
August 25 | 10:00 am | Agricultural Productivity and Innovation | Organized Symposia |
September 13 | 8:00 am | Achieving Agricultural Sustainability | Organized Symposia |
September 15 | 1:00 pm | Food safety innovation in low income countries | Organized Symposia |
September 22 | 2:30 pm | Data Set Procurement and Research Development in Emerging Markets: The Case of Hemp | Organized Symposia |
September 26 | 9:00 am | Food prices and nutrition: What least-cost diets reveal about access to a healthy diet in the U.S. and worldwide | Organized Symposia |
September 26 | 1:30 pm | What COVID-19 has Taught Us about Regional Food Supply Chains | Organized Symposia |