Crop Insurance and the 2014 Farm Bill Symposium
Crop Insurance and the 2014 Farm Bill: Implementing Change in U.S. Agricultural Policy
October 8-9, 2014
Louisville Marriott Downtown
Louisville, KY
- Final Program -
Wednesday, October 8
Plenary featuring Invited Papers
- Farm Bill 2014: Sausage-making in the Senate Agriculture Committee - Keith Coble, Mississippi State University
- Actuarial Issues for the Federal Crop Insurance System - Tom Worth, USDA-Risk Management Agency
- Industry Perspectives on Crop Insurance in the 2014 Farm Bill - Tom Zacharias, NCIS
Luncheon featuring Invited Speaker
- Proper Usage of Federal Crop Insurance Program is Necessary for Farm Solvency - David Lynn, Farm Credit-Mid America
Crop Insurance: Institutional and Structural Effects
- Is Government Involvement Really Necessary: Implications for Systemics Risk and Crop Reinsurance Contracts - Xiaoguang Feng, Iowa State University; Dermot Hayes, Iowa University
- How Would Farm Managers Respond to a Limit on Crop Insurance Premium Subsides? - Todd Davis, American Farm Bureau Federation; John Anderson, American Farm Bureau Federation; Robert Young, II, American Farm Bureau Federation
- Helping Farmers Make Farm Program Participation Decisions: A Farm Organization Perspective - John Anderson, American Farm Bureau Federation
Dairy and Organic Crops Under the 2014 Farm Bill
- Opinion Valuation and Speculative Interest in a Dairy Production Margin Futures Contract - John Newton, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Marin Bozic, University of Minnesota; Christopher Wolf, Michigan State University; Cameron Thraen, The Ohio State University
- Margin Protection Program for Dairy Producers: Implementation, Participation and Consequences - Marin Bozic, University of Minnesota; Christopher Wolf, Michigan State University; Fanda Young; John Newton, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Cameron Thraen, The Ohio State University
- Examining Adverse Selection in Organic Crop Insurance - James Robinson, Rural Advancement Foundation International; Viola Glenn, Rural Advancement Foundation International
Outcomes of Producers' Farm-level Choices
- Comparison of County ARC and SCO - Scott Gerlt, University of Missouri; Patrick Westhoff, University of Missouri
- Farm-level Choice of Crop Insurance Coverage Level - Robert Johannsson, USDA-Office of the Chief Economist; Thomas Worth, USDA-Risk Management Agency; Joe Cooper, USDA-Economic Research Service
- Implications of Rice Variety Selection to Optimize Returns from Crop Insurance - David Branscum, University of Arkansas; Lawton Lanier Nalley, University of Arkansas; Bruce Dixon, University of Arkansas; Terry Siebenmorgen, University of Arkansas; Jesse Tack, Mississippi State University; Diana Danforth, University of Arkansas
Thursday, October 9
Breakfast featuring Invited Speaker
- What is the Latest on the Texas A&M Farm Bill Decision Tool for Farmers - James Richardson, Texas A&M University
Crop Insurance and Conserving Agricultural Practices - A Marriage Made in the 2014 Farm Bill? - Panel
- The Agricultural and Food Policy Initiative Agree - What are we Trying to Achieve? - Todd Barker, Meridian Institute
- The Legislative Path and Policy Implications of Linking Conservation Compliance to Crop Insurance - Joe Shultz, Senate Agriculture Committee
- Current Scientific Literature: Its Contribution to Crop Insurance and Conservation Practices - Keith Coble, Mississippi State University
- Submitting Proposals for Changing the Federal Crop Insurance Act - Thomas Worth, USDA-Risk Management Agency
Crop Insurance: Risk Management Strategies and Financial Underpinning
- Does Crop Insurance Crowd Out Other Risk Management Strategies? - Barrett Kirwan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Evaluating the Marginal Risk Management Benefits of New Commodity and Crop Insurance Programs - Nicholas Paulson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Gary Schnitkey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- The Role of Crop Insurance Participation in Farm-level Financial Leverage - Eric Belasco, Montana State University; Anton Bekkerman, Montana State University
Land Use Implications of Crop Insurance Changes
- Impacts of Changes in Federal Crop Insurance Programs on Land Use and Environmental Quality - JunJie Wu, Oregon State University; Christian Langpap, Oregon State University
- U.S. Cotton Acreage Response to Subsidized Crop Insurance, 1995 to 2011 - Russell Tronstad, University of Arizona; Romilee Emerick, DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability
- Impact of Increased Crop Insurance Enrollment on Cropping of Environmentally Sensitive Land - Jason Holderieath, Colorado State University