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AAEA Trust Appreciation Clubs

Appreciation Clubs give donors the opportunity to donate to the AAEA Trust in the name of a prominent agricultural or applied economist. All donations to an Appreciation Club are included in the general Trust endowment, meaning that you'll have the option to allocate your contribution between the four support categories.

The list of established Appreciation Clubs is included below. If you would like to donate to an Appreciation Club, you can do so using the Trust Donation form.

If you are interested in forming a new club, contact the AAEA Business Office at (414) 918-3190 or

List of Appreciation Clubs

• Joseph A. Ackerman
• Richard M. Adams
• Walter Armbruster
• Carlos Arnade
• Chester B. Baker & Earl R. Swanson
• Paul W. Barkley
• Dave Baumann
• Raymond R. Beneke
• Peter Berck
• John D. Black
• Michael Boehlje
• James T. Bonnen
• Rueben C. Buse
• Emery N. Castle
• Julie A. Caswell
• Jean-Paul Chavas
• Willard W. Cochrane
• Gail L. Cramer
• Gerald W. Dean
• Gene A. Futrell
• Ray A. Goldberg
• Waldo E. Grimes
• Joseph Havlicek, Jr.
• Earl O. Heady
• R. James Hildreth
• Helen H. Jensen
• D. Gale Johnson
• Glenn L. Johnson
• David R. Just
• Richard Just
• Ronald D. Knutson
• George W. Ladd
• John E. Lee, Jr. & Marie Lee
• Uma Lele
• Jayson Lusk
• Alex F. McCalla
• Susan Offutt
• Don Paarlberg
• Philip Raup
• Gordon Rausser
• Tom Reardon
• Scott Rozelle
• Andrew Schmitz
• W. Burt Sundquist
• Tyrus R. "Ty" Timm
• Frederick V. Waugh
• Harry R. Wellman
• Clifton R. Wharton, Jr.
• James Wilen
• David Zilberman