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Jayson Lusk

Food and agricultural economist Dr. Jayson Lusk is the vice president and dean of agricultural programs at Oklahoma State University. He leads the Ferguson College of Agriculture and two state agencies: OSU Extension and OSU Ag Research. Dr. Lusk has spent his career studying what we eat and why we eat it. He’s published more than 270 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, written or co-written six books and travels across the country and internationally for speaking engagements and media appearances. Prior to returning to Oklahoma in August of 2023, Lusk served as head of the agricultural economics department at Purdue University for 6 years. He was a faculty member at OSU for 13 years, departing as a Regents Professor for Purdue in 2017. He has a Ph.D. in ag economics from Kansas State and did his undergraduate work at Texas Tech in food technology. Jayson and his wife Christy have two grown sons. In his spare time, he enjoys cooking and golfing.

Charter Members: Carola Grebitus, Karina Gallardo, Trey Mallone, Leatta McLaughlin, Brandon McFadden, Holly Wang, David Zilberman, Barry and Dee Barnett, Jeff Reimer, Glynn Tonsor, Sean Fox, Keith Coble, Otto Doering, Craig Gundersen, Damona Doye, Julie Caswell, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Lisa House, David Just, Juan Sesmero, Cynda Clary, Meilin Ma, Daniele Asioli, Kathryn Boys, Vincenzina Caputo