Uma Lele
Uma Lele, the first woman with a PhD in Applied Economics from Cornell University, has decades of experience in research, operations, policy analysis, and evaluation. A significant part of it is acquired in developing regions, from a base at the World Bank, as well as US universities and other international organizations. Currently affiliated with the Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi, India, she became president-elect of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) in July 2018,. In IAAE’s 91year history she is the first woman elected to this position. As per IAAE tradition, she is responsible for planning ICAE 2021, and will assume the presidency in New Delhi in August 2021.
Charter Members
Sangeeta Bansal; Julie Caswell; Madhav Godbole; Sujata Godbole; Gregory Ingram; Madhu Khanna; Rattan Lal; Abhijeet Lele; Karen Lele; Roberto and Julia Lenton; Will Martin; Peter Matlon; Ashok Mishra; Gerald Nelson; Chandra Sekhara Rao Nuthalapati; Rajendra Paroda; Vinod and Sarla Prakash; Scott Rozelle; William Tomek; Lisa Travis; Laurian Unnevehr; Koo Yuen; David Zilberman