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2003 AAEA Annual Award Winners

Outstanding Master's Thesis

  • HIROMI OUCHI, "Japanese Consumer Preferences for Biotechnology and Food Safety," Washington State University, Jill McCluskey, Advisor

Honorable Mention

  • KRISTEN KIESEL, "Consumer Response to Biotech Food Labeling: The Effects of Voluntary RBGH-Free Labels on Fluid Milk Demand," Montana State University, Vincent Smith and David Buschena, Co-chairs of Thesis Committee

Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation

  • CHAD MEYERHOEFER, "The Econometrics of Non-Standard Structural Deman Modeling: Applications to Transition Country Data," Cornell University, David Sahn, Advisor

Honorable Mention

  • MONICA FISHER, "Explaining Forest Degradation in Malawi: Asset Poverty, Income Shocks, and Activity," Purdue University, Gerald Shively and William Masters, Advisors
  • KENNETH A. BAERENKLAU, "Promoting Voluntary Adoption of Conservation Technologies: The Case of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Control," University of Wisconsin, William Provencher, Advisor
  • RENOS NICOS VIKAS, "The Impact of Market Failures on Household Behavior: Explaining Labor Market Segmentation, Technology Adoption Patterns and Transaction Costs in Rural Peru," University of California at Berkeley, Alain de Janvry and Elisabeth Sadoulet, Advisors

Distinguished Teaching

Less Than Ten Years' Experience

  • ALLEN F. WYSOCKI, University of Florida

Undergraduate Teaching, More Than Ten Years' Experience

  • JAMES BEIERLEIN, Pennsylvania State University

Graduate Teaching Award, More Than Ten Years' Experience

  • PAUL PRECKEL, Purdue University

Distinguished Extension Program


  • CHRIS HURT, Purdue University


  • JOE L. OUTLAW, JAMES W. RICHARDSON, DAVID P. ANDERSON, STEVEN L. KLOSE and JAMES D. SARTWELLE, III, members of the Texas A&M University "2002 Farm Bill Education Program" team

Distinguished Policy Contribution

  • MARC RIBAUDO, USDA, Economic Research Service

Quality of Communication

  • BRUCE L. GARDNER, University of Maryland, American Agriculture in the Twentieth Century; How It Flourished and What It Cost, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2002

Honorable Mention

  • TIM C. HAAB, The Ohio State University, and KENNETH E. MCCONNELL, University of Maryland, Valuing Environmental and Natural Resources: The Econometrics of Non-Market Valuation, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., Northampton, Massachusetts, 2002

Quality of Research Discovery

  • HANAN J. JACOBY, The World Bank, GUO LI, and SCOTT ROZELLE, University of California at Davis, "Hazards of Expropriation: Tenure Insecurity and Investment in Rural China," American Economic Review, 92(5) (December 2002): 1420-1447

Outstanding Journal Article: AJAE

  • JEAN-PAUL CHAVAS and DANNIEL MULLARKEY, "On the Valuation of Uncertainty in Welfare Analysis," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 84 (February): 23-38

Outstanding Journal Article: RAE

  • ALFONS WEERSINK, SCOTT JEFFREY and DAVID PANNELL, "Farm-Level Modeling for Bigger Issues," Review of Agricultural Economics, 24(1): 123-140

Honorable Mention

  • KATHLEEN M. PAINTER, ROBERT DOUGLAS II, PHILIP R. WANDSCHNIEDER and KENNETH CASAVANT, "Using Contingent Valuation to Measure User and Nonuser Benefits: An Application to Public Transit," Review of Agricultural Economics, 24(2): 394-409

Outstanding CHOICES Article

  • STEVEN C. BLANK, University of California at Davis, "Is Agriculture a 'Way of Life' or a Business?," Choices (Summer, 2002)

Publication of Enduring Quality

  • GERSHON FEDER, RICHARD E. JUST and ANDREW SCHMITZ, "Futures Markets an the Theory of the Firm Under Price Uncertainty'


  • Keith Collins
  • Vernon R Eidman
  • Ronald D. Knutson
  • GianCarlo Moschini
  • Jeffrey M. Perloff
  • John C. Quiggen

Poster Session Awards

1st Place

  • CATHERINE KLING, SYLVIA SECCHI, LYUBOV KURKALOVA, HONGLI FENG and PHIL GASMAN, CARD, Iowa State University, "Spatial Water Quality Tradeoffs: The Case of Hypoxia and the Upper Mississippi River Basin"

2nd Place

  • HEATHER NIVENS, Center for Agribusiness Excellence; TERRY KASTENS and KEVIN DHUYVETTER, Kansas State University, "Using Satellite Imagery in Predicting Crop Income"

3rd Place

  • PATRICIA SOTO, LONNIE VANDEVEER, STEVEN HENNING and HUIZEN NIU, Louisiana State University, "Rural-Urban Fringe Land Areas: A Spatial Snapshot"

Graduate Student Case Competition

1st Place


2nd Place


3rd Place

  • JOHN MICHAEL RILEY and LANIER NALLEY, Mississippi State University

Outstanding Student Papers Awards

1st Place

  • LISA PFEIFFER, University of Nebraska

2nd Place

  • LISA BRAGG, University of Maine

3rd Place

  • RYAN FURTAS, University of Alberta

Undergraduate Creative Idea Award

  • Iowa State University