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2006 AAEA Annual Award Winners

Presidential Recognition Award for Special Service to the Association

  • John Braden, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Outstanding Master’s Thesis

  • Richard Tolentino Yao, Purdue University, "Impacts of Irrigation Development on Agricultural Productivity, Resource Allocation and Income Distribution: A Longitudinal Analysis from Palawan, The Philippines," Gerald Shively, Advisor
  • Honorable Mentions: Jaclyn Donna Kropp, Cornell University "The Economics of Infra-Marginal Subsidies: Exits and Cross-Subsidization" Harry de Gorter, Advisor; Brett Cortus, University of Alberta, "Economics of Wetland Drainage: A Case Study of Canada's Prairie Pothole Region" Scott Jeffrey, Advisor

Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award

  • Ricardo Smith-Ramirez, University of Maryland, "Evaluation of Conservation Cost-Sharing Programs" Eric Lichtenberg, Advisor
  • Wen You, Texas A&M University, "Parental Time and Children's Obesity Measures: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation" George Davis and Rudy Nayga, Advisors
  • Honorable Mentions: Dana M. Bauer, University of Rhode Islan, "Cost-Effective Land Development with a Spatially Realistic Ecosystem Constraint" Stephen Swallow, Advisor; Miriam Lankoande, Washington State University, "Three Essays on Wildfire Economics and Policy" Jon Yoder, Advisor; Tewodaj Mogues, University of Wisconsin at Madison, "Accumulation of Social Capital: Implications for the Dynamics of Inequality and the Management of Shocks" Michael Carter, Advisor

Distinguished Teaching Awards

  • Less than 10 Years' Experience: Christine Wilson, Purdue University
  • Undergraduate, More than 10 Years’ Experience: Donald Liu, University of Minnesota
  • Graduate, More Than 10 Years’ Experience: Richard Boisvert, Cornell University

Distinguished Extension Program

  • Individual - Less than 10 Years' Experience: Lori Lynch, University of Maryland
  • Individual – More than 10 Years’ Experience: Gerald White, Cornell University
  • Group: Blake Brown, Gary Bullen, Ted Feitshans, Arnold Oltmans, Guido Van Der Hoeven and Michael Walden, North Carolina State University; Steve Isaacs, Tracy Probst and Will Snell, University of Kentucky; Kelly Tiller, University of Tennessee, members of the "Tobacco Quota Buyout Program" team

Distinguished Policy Contribution Award

  • Roger Claassen, USDA-Economic Research Service

Quality of Communication Award

  • Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University and Daniel G. Maxwell, Tufts University, "Food Aid After Fifty Years: Recasting its Role "Routledge: New York, 2005
  • Kym Anderson and Will Martin, World Bank, editors, "Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda", Palgrave Macmillan: England, November 2005, and World Bank: Washington, DC

Quality of Research Discovery Award

  • Richard E. Howitt, University of California at Davis; Siwa Msangi, International Food Policy Research Institute; Arnaud Reynaud, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; Keith C. Knapp, University of California at Riverside, " Estimating Intertemporal Preferences for Natural Resource Allocation" American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 87(4):(November 2005): 969-983
  • Michael R. Caputo, University of Central Florida and Quirino Paris, University of California at Davis, "An Atemporal Microeconomic Theory and an Empirical Test of Price-Induced Technical Progress" Journal of Productivity Analysis, 24(2005): 259-281

Outstanding American Journal of Agricultural Economics Article

  • Takashi Yamano, The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies; Harold Alderman and Luc Christiaensen, World Bank, "Child Growth, Shocks, and Food Aid in Rural Ethiopia" American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 87(2): (May 2005): 273-288
  • Honorable Mentions: Richard D. Horan and Christopher A. Wolf, Michigan State University, "The Economics of Managing Infectious Wildlife Disease" American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 87(3): (August 2005): 537-551; Nathalie Lavoie, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, "Price Discrimination in the Context of Vertical Differentiation: An Application to Canadian Wheat Exports" American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 87(4): (November 2005): 835-854

Outstanding Review of Agricultural Economics Article

  • Fred Kuchler, Abebayehu Tegene and J. Michael Harris, USDA-Economic Research Service,"Taxing Snack Foods: Manipulating Diet Quality or Financing Information Programs?" Review of Agricultural Economics, 27(1): (Spring 2005): 4-20
  • Honorable Mentions: Daniel A. Sumner, University of California, Davis and Norbert L.W. Wilson, Aburn University, "Capitalization of Farm Policy Benefits and the Rate of Return to Policy-Created Assets: Evidence from California Dairy Quota" Review of Agricultural Economics, 27(2): (Summer 2005): 245-258; Mykel R. Taylor, North Carolina State University and Gary W. Brester, Montana State University, "Noncash Income Transfers and Agricultural Land Values" Review of Agricultural Economics, 27(4): (Winter 2005): 526-541

Outstanding Choices Article

  • Maureen Kilkenny, University of Nevada at Reno and Robert W. Jolly, Iowa State University, "Are Rural Credit Markets Competitive? Is There Room for Competition in Rural Credit Markets?" Choices (First Quarter, 2005)
  • Honorable Mention: John Loomis, Colorado State University, "Economic Values without Prices: The Importance of Nonmarket Values and Valuation for Informing Public Policy Debates" Choices (Third Quarter, 2005)

Publication of Enduring Quality Award

  • Dermot Hayes, Iowa State University, Jason Shogren, University of Wyoming; Seung-Youll Shin, Taekeuk Farm, Seoul, South Korea, and James Kliebenstein, Iowa State University, "Valuing Food Safety in Experimental Auction Markets" American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 77(1)(February 1995): 40-53

Chester O. McCorkle, Jr. Student Scholarship

  • Andrea E. Woolverton, University of Missouri at Columbia


  • Barry K. Goodwin
  • Catherine Louise Kling
  • Philip Pardey
  • Catherine J. Morrison Paul
  • Prabhu L. Pingali
  • Spiro E. Stefanou

Poster Awards

  • 1st Place: Chengyan Yue, Helen Jensen, Daren Mueller, Gail Nonnecke and Mark Gleason, Iowa State University, "Consumers' Valuation of Cosmetically Damaged Apples: Will Buyers of Organic Apples Pay More?"
  • 2nd Place: Silvia Secchi, Manoj Jha, Iowa State University; Lyubov Kurkalova, Southern Illinois University, Catherine Kling, Philip Gassman and Hongli Feng, Iowa State University, "Effectiveness of Agricultural Conservation Policies and Alternative Metrics of Water Quality"
  • 3rd Place: Oscar Arreola, Frank Lupi, Michael Kaplowitz and John Hoehn, Michigan State University, "Using an Attribute Based Referendum to Value Great Lakes Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Programs"

Graduate/Undergraduate Student Competitions

Graduate Student Case Study Competition

  • First Place: LaMonica Glinton and Jermisha Johnson, Alabama A&M University, Duncan Chembezi, Advisor
  • Second Place: Vanessa Goodman, Cheryl Davie and Wanjing Hu, University of Alberta, Ellen Goddard, Advisor
  • Third Place: Juan Monge, Jeffrey Hignight and Johannes Graf, University of Arkansas, Michael Popp and Michael Thomsen, Advisors

Outstanding Undergraduate Student Paper Awards

  • First Place: Carmen Albright, University of Arkansas
  • Second Place: Dana L. Harper, University of Alberta
  • Third Place: Curtis D. Boyd, University of Alberta

Undergraduate Academic Bowl

  • First Place: Texas A&M University, Callie Rogers, Kristen Greer and Meagan Morgan
  • Second Place: University of Manitoba
  • Third Place: University of Arkansas, Red Team

Outstanding Chapter Award

  • First Place: Iowa State University
  • Second Place: University of Florida
  • Third Place: Texas Tech University

Creative Club Award

  • Iowa State University