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The Avian Flu Disaster: A Special Choices Magazine Theme

Economic impact of U.S. outbreak felt from the farm to the grocery store

While it may not be in the headlines as much as in previous years, the Avian Flu (Bird Flu) is still a major threat worldwide – especially in the agriculture industry.

Four countries are dealing with a massive outbreak right now. In the United States the disease led to the plummeting price of eggs and the destruction of millions of chickens and turkeys in 2015, which was called the “worst avian health disaster in U.S. history.”

The impact of the disaster on farmers and the industry as a whole is still being felt. It is the topic of a special theme of Choices magazine: “Economic Consequences of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.”

You can read all five articles online at, and to schedule an interview with any of the authors, please contact Jay Saunders in the AAEA Business Office.


Contact: Allison Scheetz
Senior Communications Manager
(414) 918-3190