Preliminary Program of Concurrent Sessions
More than 170 concurrent sessions will be presented in Seattle. More information about each session is available below, sorted by topic. Track Sessions sponsored by a particular AAEA Section are listed by their sponsoring section.
In addition to the sessions listed here, more than 300 posters will be presented in Seattle. One-third of those will be presented as part of a Poster Tour.
Invited Paper, Organized Symposium, Frontier, and Selected Paper Sessions
You can click on the subject codes below to discover which sessions will be presented in that category. Don't forget to also look for Track Sessions, which are in a separate list below.
- Agribusiness Economics & Management (7 sessions)
- Agricultural Finance & Farm Management (6 sessions)
- Behavioral Economics (2 sessions)
- Demand & Price Analysis (6 sessions)
- Environmental & Nonmarket Valuation (3 sessions)
- Experimental Economics (2 sessions)
- Food & Agricultural Marketing (7 sessions)
- Food & Agricultural Policy Analysis (18 sessions)
- Food Safety & Nutrition (6 sessions)
- Household & Labor Economics (1 session)
- Industrial Organization & Supply Chain Management (3 sessions)
- Institutional Economics (1 session)
- International Development (8 sessions)
- International Trade (6 sessions)
- Natural Resource Economics (12 sessions)
- Production Economics (7 sessions)
- Productivity Analysis & Emerging Technologies (3 sessions)
- Research Methods, Econometrics, & Statistics (3 sessions)
- Resource & Environmental Policy Analysis (14 sessions)
- Risk & Uncertainty (4 sessions)
- Rural/Community Development (4 sessions)
- Teaching, Communication, & Extension (2 sessions)
Tracks Sessions
Each AAEA Section is allotted a certain number of presentation slots at the Annual Meeting. You can click the name of a section below to learn what sessions they have organized for Seattle.
- Agribusiness Economics and Management Section (5 sessions)
- Agricultural Finance and Management Section (2 sessions)
- Applied Risk Analysis Section (5 sessions)
- China Section (3 sessions)
- Committee on the Opportunities and Status of Blacks in Agricultural Economics (3 sessions)
- Committee on Women in Agricultural Economics (3 sessions)
- Community Economics Network (2 sessions)
- Econometrics Section (3 sessions)
- Extension Section (8 sessions)
- Food and Agricultural Marketing Policy Section (4 sessions)
- Food Safety and Nutrition Section (6 sessions)
- Graduate Student Section (7 sessions)
- Institutional and Behavioral Economics Section (4 sessions)
- International Section (8 sessions)
- National Association of Agricultural Economics Administrators (2 sessions)
- Senior Section (7 sessions)
- Teaching, Learning and Communication Section (4 sessions)
- Undergraduate Student Section (1 sessions)