Opportunities for Economists from Less Developed Countries
The Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) offers several opportunities for individuals from low income and lower middle income countries. These opportunities include travel grants and fellowships funded by the AAEA Trust and a lower membership fee.
Discounted Membership Rate
LI-LMI Membership Rate: $25
A reduced rate is available to individuals who are a citizen of and reside in a country on the World Bank's list of low income/lower-middle income countries. Click here to join AAEA or renew your membership.
AAEA memberships are for a calendar year (January through December). Memberships renewed after April 1 are considered delinquent and are not eligible to receive back issues of AAEA publications. AAEA membership benefits include:
- Electronic access to AAEA Publications, including AJAE, AEPP, and The Exchange
- Participation in the Annual Meeting
- Networking Opportunities at the Annual Meeting, on the AAEA website, and through the AAEA Membership Directory
- Discounted Rates on AAEA Services, including Annual Meeting Registrations
To learn more about the benefits of joining AAEA, please visit the Values of Membership page.
2014 Uma Lele Mentor Fellowship Award: Eugenie Maiga, Université de Koudougou
The 2014 Uma Lele Mentor Fellowship grant winner was Eugenie Maiga, Université de Koudougou. She is working with her mentor, Ralph Christy on a project titled: The Impact of Foreign Aid-financed versus Domestic Expenditures-financed Agricultural Training on Agricultural Productivity in Five African Countries.
This fellowship is supported by donations to the Uma Lele Special Purpose Fund of the AAEA Trust. The ultimate goal of the Uma Lele Special Purpose Fund is to create vibrant, long-lasting networks of scholars working on current and newly emerging challenges to economic development. http://www.aaea.org/trust/special-purpose-funds/uma-lele-mentor-fellowship-fund
Dr. Uma Lele is a recognized international leader, thinker, and policy analyst with extensive research, operational and evaluation experience in the World Bank, the CGIAR and other international organizations and US universities. Her areas of work include food, agriculture, health, environment, global public goods, science and technology, and external assistance and partnerships. Dr. Lele is a fellow of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association and India’s National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and she has been recognized as an Outstanding Alumna by Cornell University.
To view more scholarships and fellowships offered by the AAEA Trust, please visit the Special Purpose Funds page.
Low Income Economies
Lower Middle Income Economies
Armenia | Kiribati | São Tomé and Principe |
Bhutan | Kosovo | Senegal |
Bolivia | Kyrgyz Republic | Solomon Islands |
Cameroon | Lao PDR | South Sudan |
Cabo Verde | Lesotho | Sri Lanka |
Congo, Rep. | Mauritania | Sudan |
Côte d'Ivoire | Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | Swaziland |
Djibouti | Moldova | Syrian Arab Republic |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | Mongolia | Timor-Leste |
El Salvador | Morocco | Ukraine |
Georgia | Nicaragua | Uzbekistan |
Ghana | Nigeria | Vanuatu |
Guatemala | Pakistan | Vietnam |
Guyana | Papua New Guinea | West Bank and Gaza |
Honduras | Paraguay | Yemen, Rep. |
Indonesia | Philippines | Zambia |
India | Samoa |

Photo: Winners of the 2013 LI-LMI Travel Grant with Past President Richard Sexton at the AAEA Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony in Washington, DC.
Recipients of the Low Income or Lower-middle Income Countries Travel Grant
The past winners of the LI-LMI Travel Grant and affiliations are listed below.
- 2014: Opeyemi Ayinde, University of Ilorin, Nigeria; Alaba Modupe Dare, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria; Taiwo Ejiola Mafimisebi, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria; Assa Maganga, Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Consortium (ANAMARC), Lilongwe, Malawi; Sendhil Ramadas, Directorate of Wheat Research, Haryana, India; Rajib Sutradhar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
- 2013: Dileni Gunewardena, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka; Ezrah Rwakinanga, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Develepoment (MFPED), Uganda; Vincent Ngeno, Moi University, Kenya; Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh; Epo Boniface Ngah, University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon; Eugenie Maïga, African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), Ghana
- 2012: Mohammad Jahangir Alam, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh; Heman Lohano, Institute of Business Administration, Pakistan; Jacob Nunoo, University of Cape Coast, Ghana; Patrick Okello, Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), Uganda; Mary Lubungu, Indaba Agriculture Policy Research Institute (IAPRI), Zambia
- 2011: Daniel Zerfu, Addis Abada University, Ethiopia; Ismat Ara Begum, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh; Boubaker Dhehibi, National Research Agronomic Institute, Tunisa; Sadika Haque, Justus-Liebig University, Germany; Alpha Lakoh, Njala University, Sierra Leone; Joel Sotamenou, University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon