September 2018, Issue 19
President's Column September 2018
AAEA News Call for Nominations: The AAEA Nominating Committee is soliciting nominations from AAEA membership for AAEA President-Elect and two AAEA Directors, all for three year terms beginning July 2019. Please submit the names and affiliations of nominees to Nominations must be received by October 4, 2018. Call for Nominations The AAEA Fellows Selection Committee is inviting nominations for the 2019 AAEA Fellows Awards. The deadline for submission of nominations and supporting biographical documentation is Wednesday, October 3, 2018. The 2019 Fellows Recognition Ceremony will be held as part of the 2019 AAEA Annual Meeting in Atlanta. Information on previous AAEA Fellows and the procedures used to select Fellows is available on the AAEA Fellows page. AAEA/AARES Heading South Award The Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) and the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) through the AAEA Trust will jointly offer this travel award to attend the 2019 AARES Conference in Melbourne. It is available to members of AARES or AAEA normally resident in North America. Applicants for the award can be a member of either AARES or AAEA but must be a member of AARES to participate in the conference. AAEA Trust Call for Proposals The AAEA Trust supports the work of agricultural and applied economists by funding programs, initiatives, activities or other creative endeavors designed to advance the profession. Proposals are chosen to receive funding based on their ability to accomplish at least one of the following goals:
Proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file by Monday, October 15, 2018, to ensure consideration for funding for the next year. Proposals will be reviewed by the AAEA Trust Committee, which will make recommendations to the Executive Board for action at the January 2019 Board Meeting. Anthony Grano Fellowship Applications The AAEA Trust is now accepting applications for the Anthony Grano Scholarship Award. Two scholarships of $1,250 will be awarded to academically successful, highly motivated students in agricultural economics or a closely related discipline with an interest in agricultural policy and the policy formation process. The scholarship will support recipients to travel to Washington, DC to meet with senior staff from USDA, Congressional offices, and agricultural trade associations and commodity organizations. The application deadline is Monday, October 15, 2018. Uma Lele AERA India/AAEA Mentorship Program The AERA along with one representative from AAEA will play a facilitating role in the selection of Indian students/young professionals to participate in the mentorship program. The offer and themes for each year will be published in one of the issues of Agricultural Economics Research Review (AERR) and recommendation of the Association shall be sent to AAEA for Award of the grant. Applications should be submitted in a single PDF format to Kristen McGuire at by Monday, October 15, 2018. If you have any questions, please contact Kristen by email or by phone at (414) 918-3190. Sylvia Lane Mentor Fellowship The Sylvia Lane Mentor Fellowship provides an opportunity for early career women scholars working on food, agricultural, or resource issues to collaborate with an established expert at another university, institution, or firm. The application deadline is Monday, October 15, 2018. McCorkle Scholarship The AAEA Trust Committee is accepting applications for the 2019 Chester O. McCorkle Jr. Student Scholarship. This scholarship will support applied research by a graduate student on economic issues relating to agriculture. At least one (1) scholarship of up to $2,000 will be awarded. Funds can be used for research related expenses, data collection, tuition and program related expenses such as fees, books, supplies and equipment, provided the items are required of all students in the program. Applications are due Monday, October 15, 2018. Uma Lele Mentor Fellowship Award The Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Trust is now accepting applications for the Uma Lele Mentor Fellowship Award. The Uma Lele Mentor Fellowship Award supports a mentorship relationship with a view to promote high quality research of a policy/problem solving nature in countries with food insecurity and environmental pressures. It is meant to promote collaboration between an early career scholar who is a citizen of and resides in a developing country and a distinguished mentor. Applications should be submitted in a single PDF format to Kristen McGuire at by Monday, October 15, 2018. If you have any questions, please contact Kristen by email or by phone at (414) 918-3190. Other News 2nd Winter Workshop: Behavioral and Experimental Economics of Food Consumption We welcome submissions for the Second Winter Workshop on the Behavioral and Experimental Economics of Food Consumption. The aim of the workshop is to unite researchers to integrate new insights from behavioral economics into the toolkit used to address food consumption issues. The focus is on heuristics and choice processes in food decision making. Submit an extended abstract or full paper at Local Organisers: Sabrina Teyssier, Paolo Crosetto Submission deadline: September 30, 2018 2018 International Conference on Agricultural and Food Science AAEA Members receive a 15% discount on Registration 2018 International Conference on Agricultural and Food Science (ICAFS 2018) in Istanbul, Turkey on October 28-30, 2018. (>>General Information). The conference is co-organized by Asia-Pacific Association of Science, Engineering and Technology, Bahri DaÄŸdaÅŸ International Agricultural Research Institute and Celal Bayar University. Animal Law and Policy Small Grants Program at UCLA Law Thanks to generous funding from Bob Barker, UCLA Law School is pleased to offer the Animal Law and Policy Small Grants Program ("UCLA ALP Program"). The UCLA ALP Program exists to encourage new research, with the goal of developing better empirical bases from which to understand, evaluate, and pursue animal law reform. Applicants from a variety of academic disciplines - including economics, sociology, demography, social psychology, moral psychology, medicine, plant-based nutritional science, cognitive science, law, public health, and public policy - are encouraged to apply. The UCLA ALP Program has two goals: Fostering sound empirical - quantitative or qualitative - knowledge related to human uses of animals, alternatives to uses of animals, and humans' relationship to animals, which animal law and policy academics and practitioners could use to develop animal law and policy reform applications. Supporting empirical research that enables animal law and policy academics and practitioners to develop increasingly more sophisticated understandings of the impact of public policies and laws that affect animals directly or indirectly. Read more here: For questions, please contact the UCLA ALP Program through email: |
AAEA is releasing "Members in the News" emails to the membership.
If you find a State, National or International stories about an AAEA Member, please send a link of the story to
Sinais Alvarado via email, or
What research and topics are you working on? Want to be an expert source for journalists working on a story? We want to hear from you. Contact Allison Scheetz in the AAEA Business Office via email,
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Sign up for listserv emails regarding
new positions HERE.