June 2020 Issue 13
AAEA Deadlines
President's Message
Last week the AAEA Board formally canceled the in-person meeting in Kansas City. The Board has been deliberate in the process as we dealt with the financial ramifications of the decision. Thank you for your patience as we worked through this decision. We will have a virtual meeting and are working on those plans now. Details will be coming soon and again thank you to the many who have worked to provide continuity. AAEA News 2020 AAEA Annual Meeting Update After receiving your feedback, conducting research to explore other options, and discussions to mitigate potential losses with the host hotel site, the AAEA Board has decided to cancel the in-person 2020 AAEA Annual Meeting in Kansas City, MO due to the ongoing issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. We know many of you waited for this decision to make your plans, but hope you understand our need to minimize the potential negative impact on our organization. We are still looking into virtual annual meeting options – stay tuned for additional details. If you already registered for the annual meeting, AAEA Staff will reach out to you to issue a full refund. Please allow a couple of weeks to hear from us; if you have not received an email about your refund by July 1, please contact us at info@aaea.org. We appreciate all of your feedback and patience during these unprecedented times. 2020 AAEA Mentoring Research Workshop The objective of this workshop is mentor junior faculty (less than 5 years) to transition to agricultural and applied economic departments by providing an orientation to expectations for research, teaching and outreach and develop effective strategies for success. The workshop will focus on constructively criticizing research in progress. Mentoring will include networking, information about the profession, and discussion of current research trends and topic areas. Obituary
Wallace “Wally” Edgar Huffman, of Ames, passed away on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota. Other News 6to Congreso Regional de Economía Agraria and IAAE-Inter-Conference Symposium We regret to inform you that in response to the uncertainty imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the organizing committee has decided to postpone the 6to Congreso Regional de Economía Agraria and IAAE-Inter-Conference Symposium to the week of November 8th, 2021 still in beautiful Montevideo, Uruguay. The organizers wish all of you the best during this troubled times and we look forward to seeing everyone in Montevideo on November 2021. Announcing the Online Agricultural and Resource Economics Seminar The seminar is held on Wednesdays at 11 am Central US time. If you would like to register, join the OARES listserv here, and make sure to sign up with your institutional address. The OARES website includes a schedule of forthcoming talks as well. The Climate Solutions Community August 22, 2020 2020 The 4th International Conference on Agricultural and Food Science (4th ICAFS2020) On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to participate the 2020 The 4th International Conference on Agricultural and Food Science (4th ICAFS 2020) to be held in Istanbul, Turkey during October 28-30, 2020. For more details, please visit https://icafs.apaset.org/ Fall 2020 Issue of the Western Economic Forum Guidelines for Submitting Manuscripts: All submissions to the Western Economics Forum must be submitted electronically in MS Word format. Author and institutional identifications will be removed from MS Word submissions by the editorial team prior to being sent to reviewers. Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged by e-mail. |
AAEA is releasing "Members in the News" emails to the membership. If you find a State, National or International stories about an AAEA Member, please send a link of the story to Jessica Weister at JWeister@aaea.org or info@aaea.org.
What research and topics are you working on? Want to be an expert source for journalists working on a story? We want to hear from you. Contact Allison Scheetz in the AAEA Business Office via email, ascheetz@aaea.org.
Sign up for listserv emails regarding
new positions HERE.
Anti-Harassment and Code of Conduct Policy
AAEA is committed to the fair, ethical treatment of all of its members and all other individuals participating in AAEA activities or activities connected with, or related to, AAEA activities, while providing an atmosphere that promotes a variety of research, teaching and extension/outreach activities. The AAEA has zero tolerance for, and prohibits any type of, discrimination or harassment, including sexual harassment, within the organization, at professional meetings, in the field, or anywhere professional activities are conducted under the aegis of the AAEA. View the Policy.