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Government Relations & Washington Update

August 2024

House and Senate Committees Advance Agriculture Appropriations
The House and Senate Appropriations Committees have both recently approved their respective versions of the FY 2025 Agriculture Appropriations Bill. The moves set up potential floor consideration in September as Congress works to meet the September 30th fiscal year deadline. As in many previous years, a continuing resolution will likely be needed to keep the government funded while the appropriations process is completed.

In looking at key USDA agencies and programs, the Economic Research Service (ERS) would receive level funding in the Senate, while it faces a $5 million cut in the House. The National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) also fares better in the Senate, where it would receive a $6 million increase, compared with level funding in the House. The Office of the Chief Economist receives a small increase in both chambers. For the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), both the House and Senate level provide level funding for capacity programs. The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) is level funded by the Senate and cut by $2 million in the House.

Below is a summary of selected USDA accounts:

ACCOUNT                  FY 24 FINAL             FY25 President          FY25 House             FY25 Senate
ERS                               $90.6 million               $98 million                  $85.6 million             $90.6 million 
NASS                            $187.5 million             $196 million                $187.5 million           $193.5 million
OCE                              $30.5 million               $32 million                  $31 million                $31.1 million
Hatch                            $265 million                $265 million                $265 million               $265 million
AFRI                             $445.2 million             $475 million                $443.2 million            $445.2 million
Research Facilities       $1 million                     0                                  0                                  $1 million
AGARDA                     $1 million                    0                                  $1 million                    0
Smith Lever                  $325 million                $325 million                $325 million               $325 million
ARS Salaries                 $1.788 billion              $1.756 million            $1.793 billion              $1.826 billion
ARS Buildings              $57.1 million               $28 million                 $26.9 million               $47.6 million

In the wake of NASS program changes announced in April that would eliminate reports such as the July Cattle Report, Cotton Yield Survey and county estimates, both the House and Senate have included strong language directing NASS to reinstate these reports in FY 2025.  The Senate also provides an additional $4 million to specifically support the reinstatement of the reports. AAEA raised concerns with these program changes both with NASS leadership and with Congress, including letters to House and Senate committee leadership.

Excerpt from House Language:

“The Committee is deeply concerned by the lack of communication and transparency surrounding NASS’ decision to cancel several critical market reports in fiscal year 2024. Therefore, the Committee includes bill language that limits NASS’ flexibilities to only core mission activities. This language ensures that NASS has the necessary funding for fiscal year 2025 to reinstate all reports that NASS chose to cancel or discontinue in 2024.”

Excerpt from Senate Language:

“The Committee recognizes that NASS was faced with budgetary challenges in fiscal year 2024 within the Ag Estimates line. However, its decisions to cancel critical reports without any consultation or engagement with the Committee was problematic. Given the critical importance of these reports to stakeholders across the country, the Committee includes $4,000,000 to restore the reports cancelled in fiscal year 2024 and includes a proviso requiring NASS to notify the Committee at least 30 days prior to cancelling any report.”

More information on Agriculture Appropriations can be found at the following links:

House bill text
House Report language
Senate bill text
Senate Report language