Agricultural Finance and Management Section Track Sessions
Advances, Updates, and Practical Issues in US Crop Insurance Premium Rating Methods
Monday, 9:30 AM–11:00 AM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 3, Room 304
Agricultural Finance and Management (AFM) and Applied Risk Analysis (ARA) Track Session
Crop insurance programs have moved from the periphery to the core of U.S. federal risk support for crop producers. Not only has the program grown in participation, but coverage levels and revenue products have increased. Further the rating system for the program has been the subject of significant research over the past decade. The upshot is that a considerable evolution in rating has occurred. This session will provide an update of current rating procedures and provide an overview of the research that led to the current system. Finally, Tom Worth, Chief Actuary of USDA/RMA will provide an overview of the challenges and future directions for program rating.
Organizer: Keith H. Coble, Mississippi State University
Moderator: Roderick M. Rejesus, North Carolina State University
A primer on the RMA Rating system and how we got here.
Thomas O. Knight, Texas Tech University
At the Nexus of Economics and Actuarial Science: A joint project to evaluate crop insurance loss history
Keith H. Coble, Mississippi State University
Its not just APH: Current approaches to rating revenue insurance and area-designs
Barry K. Goodwin, North Carolina State University
Updates, Challenges, and Future Directions in RMA Premium Rating
Thomas W. Worth, USDA RMA
Land Values and Rental Rates: Determinants, Trends, and New Tools
Tuesday, 12:30 PM–2:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 2, Room 214
Agricultural Finance and Management (AFM) Track Session
Over the past few years, both land values and farmland rental rates have consistently experienced double-digit percentage increases throughout much of the Midwest and Great Plains regions. Reflecting increases in farm revenues and income levels, these increases in land costs have kept pace with or exceeded other production costs such as variable inputs and machinery. A significant amount of work has been done by agricultural economists in an attempt to analyze the determinants of both land values and rental rates, linking them with a range of factors including the land's direct income generating potential via measures of expected crop revenues, expected or actual cash flows from government programs, soil and other productivity factors, urbanization pressures, and a number of other spatial considerations such as proximity to livestock operations or ethanol facilities. Furthermore, researchers have used a number of methods (i.e. standard OLS, various spatial models and specifications) and data sources (i.e. farm management association, USDA ARMS survey, Census of Ag, regional land transactions) to study these issues. This track session will focus on recent research efforts on land value and rental markets through three papers. The first will provide an overview of trends in land values and previous work done in this area, while providing an analysis of the risks currently underlying farmland values and contrasting them with previous experiences such as in the 1980s. The second paper will shift focus towards rental markets, providing a summary of trends in rental rates, the types of rental agreements currently being used in practice, and an overview of the characteristics of farmland tenure. The final paper will outline some of the new data sources and tools available through USDA sources for land value and rental agreement research. Specifically, new surveys have recently been implemented that should be of particular interest to researchers working in this area.
Organizer: Nicholas D. Paulson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Moderator: Nicholas D. Paulson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Discussant: Jason R. Henderson, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City-Omaha Branch
Farmland Markets: Valuation, Performance, and Risk
Bruce J. Sherrick and Mindy L. Mallory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Farmland Rental Markets: Trends in Valuation, Design, and Risk
Nicholas D. Paulson and Gary D. Schnitkey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
A Comparison of Data Sources for the Analysis of Farmland Values
Todd H. Kuethe and Jennifer Ifft, USDA-Economic Research Service; Allison M. Borchers and Mitchell J. Morehart, USDA ERS