This session presents new experimental evidence on the provision of public goods and the allocation of common-pool resources. Field and laboratory experiments are used to assess new potential strategies for achieving environmental and welfare gains through alternative environmental policy designs with explicit consideration of behavioral confounding factors. Topical focuses include greenhouse gases and irrigation.
Moderator: Andrey A. Zaikin, Washington State University
Assessing a provision game for two units of a public good, with different group arrangements, marginal benefits, and rebate rules: experimental evidences
Pengfei Liu and Stephen K. Swallow, University of Connecticut; Christopher M. Anderson, Univ of Rhode Island
Dynamic Voluntary Contribution to Public Goods with Stock Accumulation
Juan C. Ruiz-Tagle, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland
Private Provision of a Stochastic Common Property Resource
Richard E. Howitt, University of California, Davis; Jonathan D. Kaplan, California State University, Sacramento; Stephan Kroll, Colorado State University
The Carrot or the Stick: Water Allocation Strategies for Uzbekistan
Andrey A. Zaikin and Ana Espinola-Arredondo, Washington State University