International Trade
Non-tariff barriers
Monday, 9:30 AM–11:00 AM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 615
Selected Paper Session
As regional and multilateral trade negotiations lower tariff barriers attention has turned toward non-revenue mechanisms for restricting trade. The researchers in this session are investigating aspects of safeguards and other limits on trade.
Moderator: Derek Farnsworth, University of California, Davis
Estimating Gravity Equation Models in the Presence of Heteroskedasticity and Frequent Zeros
Bo Xiong and Sixia Chen, Iowa State University
Voluntary Standards and International Trade: A Heterogeneous Firms Approach
William Henry McGuire and Ian M. Sheldon, The Ohio State University
Maximum Residue Limits: Protectionism or Food Safety?
Derek Farnsworth, University of California, Davis
“The European Economic and Financial Crisis and its Impact on Agriculture in the United States, the Europe Union, and the Nations of the Former Soviet Union”
Monday, 4:30 PM–6:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 2, Room 212
Organized Symposia
Historical and global events leading up to the European crisis, and implications for U.S., EU, and Eastern European agriculture, as well as for global agricultural trade.
Organizer: Evert Van Der Sluis, South Dakota State University
Moderator: Terry L. Roe, University of Minnesota
Panelists: William H. Meyers, University of Missouri; Evert Van Der Sluis, South Dakota State University; Mathew D. Shane, USDA-Economic Research Service; Martin Petrick, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
Firm-level trade
Monday, 4:30 PM–6:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 614
Selected Paper Session
Recent work shows a high level of heterogeneity in firms when it comes to trade. These papers use firm-level data to explore export behavior.
Moderator: Mark J. Gibson, Washington State University
Vertical Ownership and Trade Theory: firm level evidence from France
Carl Gaigné, INRA UMR SMART; Karine Latouche, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; Stéphane Turolla, INRA, UMR SMART
Survival of the Fittest: Explaining Export Duration and Export Failure in the U.S. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Market
Jeta Rudi, Jason H. Grant, and Everett B. Peterson, Virginia Tech
Brokers vs. Retailers: Evidence from the French Imports Industry of Fresh Produce
Karine Latouche, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; Elodie Rouvierer, AgroParisTech
Trade Engagement and Producer Performance
Mark J. Gibson, Washington State University; Tim A. Graciano, Economic Research Service
Trade costs and market integration
Tuesday, 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 614
Selected Paper Session
This session explores trade costs and spatial market integration.
Moderator: Jason H. Grant, Virginia Tech
The(Rail)road to Structural Change: Transportation Costs, Integration and Production Specialization
Sarah Walker, University of Wisconsin, Madison
The Law of One Price under the State-Dependent Policy Intervention
Feng Qiu, JP Gervais, and Barry K. Goodwin, North Carolina State University; Linde Goetz, Leibniz-Institute of Agricultural Development; Thomas Glauben, IAMO
Cotton Market Integration across Countries, among Qualities, and through Time
Jon Devine, Cotton Incorporated; Alejandro S. Plastina, International Cotton Advisory Committee
Agricultural Trade Costs: 1965-2010
Shuwen Duan and Jason H. Grant, Virginia Tech
Livestock trade
Tuesday, 12:30 PM–2:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 2, Room 211
Selected Paper Session
This sessions explores factors affecting meat and livestock trade include changes in demand in Southeast Asia and Food and Mouth Disease.
Moderator: James M. Hansen, USDA-Economic Research Service
Economic Implications of a Foot and Mouth Disease Free Latin American Beef Sector
Amanda M. Leister and Amy D. Hagerman, USDA-Economic Research Service
International Pork Trade and Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Shang-Ho Yang and Sayed H. Saghaian, University of Kentucky; Michael R. Reed, Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky
Modeling South Africa’s Meat Import System
Fawzi A. Taha and William F. Hahn, USDA-Economic Research Service
Assessing the Impact of Southeast Asia's Increasing Meat Demand on Global Feed Demand and Prices
James M. Hansen, USDA-Economic Research Service
Trade and Developing Countries
Tuesday, 4:00 PM–5:30 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 614
Selected Paper Session
The papers in this session contribute to our understanding of international trade in a globalizing economy. Each of the papers deals directly or indirectly with some aspect of trade impacts for developing countries.
Moderator: Ian Coxhead, University of Wisconsin
Effect of Tariff Liberalization on Mexico’s Income Distribution in the presence of Migration
Katherine R. Baylis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Rafael Garduno-Rivera, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C. (CIDE)
China’s small-scale hog production and implications for trade: Evidence from a farmer survey
Qingbin Wang, University of Vermont; Guangxuan Zhang, Penn State University
Agricultural Trade Bias in Exchange Rate Volatility Effect Estimation: An Application of Meta-Regression Analysis
John D. Wesley, Xuan Shen, Sheng Li, and Norbert L.W. Wilson, Auburn University
Trade and productivity growth in African manufacturing
Ian Coxhead and Jeremy D. Foltz, University of Wisconsin; Tewodaj Mogues, IFPRI