Production Economics
The Economics of Biofuels Production
Monday, 9:30 AM–11:00 AM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 617
Selected Paper Session
This session pulls together economic analyses of biofuels production, including the performance of ethanol plants and implications of biofuels for land use and the environment.
Moderator: Juan Pablo Sesmero, Purdue University
Economic Considerations of Soil Nutrient Mining and Remobilization Associated with Switchgrass Feedstock Production
Jon T. Biermacher, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation; Mohua Haque, The Samuel Ropberts Noble Foundation, Inc.; Maru Kering, The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.; John A. Guretzky, University of Nebraska--Lincoln
Environmental Impacts of Cellulosic Feedstock Production: A Case Study of a Cornbelt Aquifer
Jin-Young Moon, University of Minnesota; Solomon Folle, Stone Environmental Inc; Jeffrey Apland and David Mulla, University of Minnesota
Analysis of Ethanol Plants' Shutdown Price
Juan Pablo Sesmero, Purdue University; Richard K. Perrin and Lilyan E. Fulginiti, University of Nebraska
Economic Analysis of Yields, Acreage, and Risk
Monday, 1:00 PM–2:30 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 617
Selected Paper Session
This session brings together papers that apply appropriate econometric methods to evaluate crop yields, crop acreage, and farmer risk structure.
Moderator: Barry K. Goodwin, North Carolina State University
Modeling Corn Acreage Response in a New Market Environment
Joseph C. Cooper, USDA-Economic Research Service; Barry K. Goodwin and Nicholas E. Piggott, North Carolina State University
More than Mean Effects: Modeling the Effect of Climate on the Higher Order Moments of Crop Yields
Jesse B. Tack, Ardian Harri, and Keith H. Coble, Mississippi State University
Are Yields Endogenous to Price? An Empirical Evaluation of Inter- and Intra-Seasonal Corn Yield Response
Barry K. Goodwin, Michele C. Marra, and Nicholas E. Piggott, North Carolina State University
The Economics of Agricultural Productivity and Efficiency
Monday, 4:30 PM–6:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 617
Selected Paper Session
This session pulls together papers that address important issues in the measurement of agricultural productivity.
Moderator: Virgil Eldon Ball, USDA-Economic Research Service
Producer Behaviour and Agri-Environmental Policies: A Directional Distance based Matching Approach
John Walsh, Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; David Zilberman, University of California, Berkeley; Johannes Sauer, University of Kiel
Complementarities in production technologies: an empirical analysis of the dairy industry
Henry An, University of Alberta
Incorporating “Bads” and “Goods” in the Measurement of Agricultural Productivity Growth in the U.S.
Nataliya Plesha and Subhash Ray, University of Connecticut; Richard F. Nehring and Virgil Eldon Ball, USDA-Economic Research Service
State Productivity Growth: Catching-up and the Business Cycle
Virgil Eldon Ball, USDA-Economic Research Service; Carlos San Juan, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Camilo A. Ulloa, BBVA Research
Herbicide Resistance Weeds & Sustainable Weed Management
Tuesday, 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 2, Room 213
Organized Symposia
The emergence of glyphosate resistant weeds due to the widespread adoption of genetically engineered, herbicide tolerant crops has refocused attention on the challenges that herbicide resistant weeds pose to farm sustainability. These challenges have gained national prominence through prime time media reports, congressional hearings, and the recommendations of an expert panel convened by the National Academies’ National Research Council. This symposium will review recommendations from the National Academies’ National Summit on Strategies to Manage Herbicide-Resistant Weeds held on May 10, 2012 in Washington, D.C. and identify how agricultural and applied economists can contribute to promoting improved weed management through their research, extension, and outreach efforts.
Organizers: Terrance M. Hurley, University of Minnesota; Paul D. Mitchell, University of Wisconsin; George B. Frisvold, University of Arizona
Moderator: David Zilberman, University of California, Berkeley
Discussants: David J. Pannell, University of Western Australia; George B. Frisvold, University of Arizona; Paul D. Mitchell, University of Wisconsin; Terrance M. Hurley, University of Minnesota
The Economics of Agricultural Technology Adoption
Tuesday, 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 616
Selected Paper Session
The papers in this session address important issues in agricultural technology adoption. Issues explored include the determinants and implications of the adoption of precision farming technology for cotton, determinants of adoption of management practices for weed resistance, and a retrospective on the adoption of Bt Corn varieties.
Moderator: Krishna P. Paudel, Louisiana State University
Fifteen Years Later: Examining the Adoption of New Bt Corn Varieties by U.S. Farmers
Jorge A. Fernandez-Cornejo, USDA-Economic Research Service; Seth J. Wechsler, University of Maryland
Quantifying Farmer Adoption Intensity for Weed Resistance Management Practices and Its Determinants
Fengxia Dong and Paul D. Mitchell, University of Wisconsin; Terrance M. Hurley, University of Minnesota; George B. Frisvold, University of Arizona
Adoption and non-adoption of precision technology by cotton farmers
Krishna P. Paudel, Mahesh Pandit, and Ashok K. Mishra, Louisiana State University; Eduardo Segarra, Texas Tech University
Spatial Dimensions of Agricultural Production and Markets
Tuesday, 12:30 PM–2:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 616
Selected Paper Session
This session highlights the role of space in important issues in agricultural markets. Spatially explicit economic and econometric models are applied to inform questions about yield gaps, production technologies, and land rental markets.
Moderator: Marten Graubner, IAMO
How much drought is ‘just right’? Spatial Differences in ‘Optimal Drought Severity’ for Drought Tolerant Maize
Jeremy D. Foltz, University of Wisconsin; Travis J. Lybbert, University of California, Davis
Spatial Econometric Approaches to Develop Site-Specific Nematode Management Strategies in Cotton Production
Zheng Liu, Terry Griffin, and Terrence L. Kirkpatrick, University of Arkansas
Economics of global yield gaps: A spatial analysis
Uris Lantz C. Baldos and Thomas W. Hertel, Purdue University
Spatial competition on land rental markets
Marten Graubner, IAMO; Alfons Balmann, Inst of Ag Dev Central
Production Economics
Tuesday, 4:00 PM–5:30 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 616
Selected Paper Session
The papers in this session address important issues in the economics of agricultural production.
Moderator: Simone Pieralli, University of Maryland
Off-Farm Employment and Farming Efficiency in Modern Agriculture: A Dynamic Panel Model Approach
Hilda M. Bjørnsen, NILF, Norway; Ashok K. Mishra, Louisiana State University
Application of comparative dynamics in stochastic invasive species management in agricultural production
Liang Lu and Levan Elbakidze, University of Idaho
Economic Efficiency Adjusted for Risk Preferences
Elizabeth A. Yeager, Purdue University; Michael R. Langemeier, Kansas State University
Sources of Agricultural Yield Difference
Simone Pieralli, University of Maryland