Resource & Environmental Policy Analysis
Agricultural Land-Use and Grassland Conversion in the Northern Plains: Implications from Alternative Data and Modeling Strategies
Monday, 9:30 AM–11:00 AM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 3, Room 303
Invited Paper Session
The papers in this session employ different data and methods to examine the direction of, and reasons for, land use flux, especially the conversion of grassland in the Northern Plains. The first paper uses spatially explicit satellite imagery data from NASS’s Cropland Data Layer data. The second paper applies mixed logit methods to model land use conversion choices. The third paper uses recent signup data from the Conservation Reserve Program and survey data from the Farm Service Agency.
Moderator: David W. Archer, USDA-Agricultural Research Service
Discussant: Randal Dell, Ducks Unlimited
Modeling grassland conversion: The need for, and challenges of, using satellite imagery data in empirical land-use models.
Benjamin S. Rashford and Shannon Albeke, University of Wyoming; David J. Lewis, University of Wisconsin
Using Mixed Logit in Land Use Models: Can Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithms Facilitate Estimation?
Roger L. Claassen, USDA-Economic Research Service; Seung Gyu Kim, University of Tennessee; Daniel M. Hellerstein, USDA-Economic Research Service
The Effects of Government Payments on Native Grassland Conversion, the CRP, and Corn Acreage Changes in the Dakotas.
Hongli Feng, David A. Hennessy, and Ruiqing Miao, Iowa State University
Climate and Development
Monday, 9:30 AM–11:00 AM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 619
Selected Paper Session
Topics in Climate Change Mitigation and Development.
Moderator: Katherine R. Baylis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Technology Adoption and Climate-Related Policy Evaluation among East African Smallholders: A Bioeconomic Model of the Trade-offs between Trees and Subsistence
Isabel Call, UC Davis; Stephen A. Vosti, University of California, Davis; Steve Boucher, UC Davis; Eike Luedeling, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Climate Change Mitigation Policies and Global Poverty
Zekarias M. Hussein, Alla Golub, and Thomas W. Hertel, Purdue University
Conserving Forests: Mandates, Management or Money?
Katherine R. Baylis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jordi Honey-Roses, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Isabel Ramirez, UNAM, Morelia
Common Pool Resources and Ecology
Monday, 1:00 PM–2:30 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 602
Organized Symposia
AERE Session: Common Pool Resources and Ecology
Moderator: James E. Wilen, University of California, Davis
Marine Reserves as a Cooperation Mechanism in Transboundary Fisheries
Rebecca Toseland, University of California, Santa Barbara; Christopher Costello, Univ of California
Resource Rents, Inframarginal Rents, and the Transition to Property Rights in a Common Pool Resource
Corbett Grainger, University of Wisconsin; Christopher Costello, Univ of California
A Spatial Dynamic Bioeconomic Analysis of an Emerald Ash Borer Invasion of an Urban Forest
Kent Kovacs, University of Minnesota; Robert Haight, US Forest Service; Rodrigo Mercader, Washburn University
An Assessment of Ecosystem Services Associated with Wetlands in USFWS National Wildlife Refuges
Douglas A. Patton, John C. Bergstrom, Alan Covich, and Rebecca L. Moore, University of Georgia
Carbon Emissions Markets and Climate
Monday, 1:00 PM–2:30 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 619
Selected Paper Session
Topics in Emissions Markets and Climate Change.
Moderator: David F. Perkis, Purdue University
Fat-tail Climate Risks, Mechanism design, and Reputation
Prasenjit Banerjee, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; Jason F. Shogren, University of Wyoming
The Adverse Impact of Gradual Temperature Change on Capital Investment
Ronald Balvers, West Virginia University; Ding Du and Xiaobing Zhao, Northern Arizona University
An Experimental Investigation of Hard and Soft Price Ceilings in Emissions Permit Markets
David F. Perkis, Purdue University; Timothy N. Cason, Purdue Univ; Wallace E. Tyner, Purdue University
Valuation of Ecosystem Services of Conservation Programs
Monday, 4:30 PM–6:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 618
Selected Paper Session
This session explores topics in valuation of Ecosystem Services. Topics examine implicit prices and the efficiency of conservation programs and valuation ex-post using market sales of restored ecosystems.
Moderator: Allen Klaiber, The Ohio State University
Implicit Prices of Habitat Conservation Easements
Chad D. Lawley, University of Manitoba; Charles A. Towe, University of Maryland
Beneficial selection and the efficient procurement of ecosystem services
Noel P. Russell, University of Manchester; Johannes Sauer, University of Kiel
The effects of open-space conservation on ecosystems: An application of a joint ecological-economic model
Katherine Y. Zipp and David J. Lewis, University of Wisconsin; Robert William Provencher, University of Wisconsin - Madison
A Valuation of Restored Streams Using Repeat Sales
Charles A. Towe, University of Maryland; Allen Klaiber, The Ohio State University; Joseph A. Maher, University of Maryland
Topics in Fisheries Management
Monday, 4:30 PM–6:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 619
Selected Paper Session
This session examines Institutions and their Welfare Effects on of Fisheries Management.
Moderator: Tess M. Stafford, University of New South Wales
An Inverse Demand System for New England Groundfish: Welfare Analysis of the Transition to Catch Share Management
Min-Yang A. Lee, NOAA Fisheries; Eric Thunberg,
Marketing Cooperatives in Fisheries
Sunny L. Jardine and C.-Y. Cynthia Lin, University of California Davis; James N. Sanchirico, University of California, Davis
Consumer Demand and Preference for Eco-friendly Labeled Commercial Fish Commodities: Application to Tuna Steak
Guzhen Zhou and Wuyang Hu, University of Kentucky; Minling Pan, NOAA
Labor Supply of Fishermen: An Empirical Analysis
Tess M. Stafford, University of New South Wales
Climate Change Impacts
Tuesday, 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 2, Room 204
Organized Symposia
AERE Session: Climate Change Impacts
Moderator: Michael James Roberts, North Carolina State University
The Distributional Impacts of Climate Change on Indian Agriculture: A Quantile Regression Approach
Chandra Kiran B. Krishnamurthy, Center for Environmental and Resource Economics, Umea University
Estimating the Impact of Climate Change, Extreme Weather, and Soil Quality on Global Crop Production
Erik Nelson and Jae Bradley, Bowdoin College
Climate versus Weather Shocks: Evidence from Global Food Markets
Kyle C. Meng, Columbia University; Solomon Hsiang, Princeton University; Mark Cane, Columbia University
Disaster, Disinvestment, and Death: Economic and Human Losses Following Environmental Disaster
Jesse Anttila-Hughes, Columbia University; Solomon Hsiang, Princeton University
Crop Choice and the Environment
Tuesday, 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 618
Selected Paper Session
This session explores the environmental effects of crop choice on the environment and farm budgets.
Moderator: Alicia L. English, Purdue University
Incentives, Costs, and Implications of Wide-spread Cover Crop Adoption in the United States
Elizabeth Marshall, USDA/ERS
Avishek Konar, Elena G. Irwin, and Brian E. Roe, The Ohio State University
Evaluating Pollution Control Policies Using a Farm-level Dynamic Model
Jingjing Wang and Kenneth A. Baerenklau, University of California, Riverside
Environmental Impacts of Stover Removal in the Corn Belt
Alicia L. English, Wallace E. Tyner, Juan Pablo Sesmero, and Phillip Owens, Purdue University
Land Use, Spatial Analysis, and the Environment
Tuesday, 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 619
Selected Paper Session
This session discusses land use and spatial analysis resulting from regulatory and market uncertainty.
Moderator: Douglas H. Wrenn, The Ohio State University
Spatial Analysis of Rezoning Approval Decisions
Seong-Hoon Cho, Seung Gyu Kim, and Roland K. Roberts, University of Tennessee
Federal Forest Policy and Its Impact on Income Distribution in Rural Communities
Yong Chen and Bruce A. Weber, Oregon State University
Matthew K. Gnagey, The Ohio State University
Searching for the Urban Fringe: Exploring Spatio-Temporal Variations in the Effect of Distance versus Local Interactions on Residential Land Conversion Using a Conditionally-Parametric Discrete-Time Duration Model
Douglas H. Wrenn, Elena G. Irwin, and Abdoul G. Sam, The Ohio State University
The Additionality Problem in Climate and Conservation Policies
Tuesday, 12:30 PM–2:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 618
Selected Paper Session
This session examines the problem of additionality in conservation incentive programs, i.e, do current and potential policies for conservation result in carbon storage or reductions that would not have otherwise occurred.
Moderator: Paula Cordero Salas, University of Alabama
Additionality in U.S. Agricultural Conservation Programs: A Preliminary Analysis of New Data
Eric N. Duquette and Roger L. Claassen, USDA-Economic Research Service
Effects of carbon-based border tax adjustments on carbon leakage and competitiveness in livestock sectors
Zeynep B. Irfanoglu, Alla Golub, and Thomas W. Hertel, Purdue University; Benjamin Henderson, Food and Agriculture Organization
Addressing Additionality in REDD Contracts when Formal Enforcement is Absent
Paula Cordero Salas, University of Alabama; Brian E. Roe and Brent Sohngen, The Ohio State University
Water Quantity and Quantity Policy
Tuesday, 12:30 PM–2:00 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 619
Selected Paper Session
Topics in optimal management of water quantity and quality regulation.
Moderator: Beth L. Nielsen, University of Georgia
Unraveling Deterrence Effects of Regulatory Activities under the Clean Water Act
Taro Mieno and Nicholas Brozovic, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Cost-effective design of reverse auctions for watershed nutrient reductions: a case for observable conservation practices
Sergey S. Rabotyagov, University of Washington; Adriana M. Valcu, Iowa State University; Todd Campbell, Iowa State Univ; Philip W. Gassman, Centre for Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentIowa State University; Manoj K. Jha, North Carolina A&T State University; Catherine Kling, Iowa State University
Agricultural Groundwater Policy During Drought: A Spatially Differentiated Approach for the Flint River Basin
Beth L. Nielsen, Jeffrey D. Mullen, John Dowd, and Wendy Wright, University of Georgia
Topics on Energy
Tuesday, 4:00 PM–5:30 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 2, Room 212
Organized Symposia
AERE Session: Topics on Energy
Moderator: C.-Y. Cynthia Lin, University of California Davis
How Consumers Respond to Product Certification: A Welfare Analysis of the Energy Star Program
Sebastien Houde, Stanford University
Implications of Yield Growth Assumptions for Domestic Energy Crops and Land Competition
Elizabeth Marshall, USDA/ERS
Industrial Organization and the Energy Efficiency Paradox
Louis-Gaëtan Marc Giraudet, Stanford University
Do Actions Speak As Loud As Words? Commitments to “Going Green” on Campus
Philip Sirianni and Michael O'Hara, Colgate University
Biofuels Policy and Agriculture
Tuesday, 4:00 PM–5:30 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 618
Selected Paper Session
This session explores the efficiency of biofuel policy, the implicit price for Corn Ethanol as a result of current policy, and the dynamic properties of an optimal subsidy policy.
Moderator: Rocio Uria-Martinez, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The Shadow Price of GHG Reduction in Corn Ethanol Plants
Kassu Wamisho, University of Nebraska
A Theory of Dynamic Optimal Biofuel Tax Credit
Fanglin Ye, UIUC; Liang Lu and Xiaoxue Du, University of Idaho
Improvement of GTAP Cropland CET Nesting Structure for Impact Evaluation of Cellulosic Biofuels Industry under RFS2
Liang Li, Wallace E. Tyner, and Farzad Taheripour, Purdue University
Advanced Biofuels System Configuration in the U.S.: Cost and Performance Tradeoffs
Rocio Uria-Martinez and Paul N. Leiby, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Climate Change and the Agricultural Sector
Tuesday, 4:00 PM–5:30 PM
Washington State Convention Center, Level 6, Room 619
Selected Paper Session
This session explores the adaptation to and Impacts of Climate Change on the Agricultural Sector and Farm/Industry Behavior.
Moderator: Carol A. Jones, USDA-Economic Research Service
Regional Economic and Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Adaptation to a Changing Climate in the United States
Scott A. Malcolm, USDA ERS; Elizabeth Marshall, USDA/ERS; Marcel P. Aillery, Paul W. Heisey, and Mike Livingston, USDA-Economic Research Service; Kelly Day-Rubenstein, USDA/ERS
Cognitive heuristics and farmers’ perceptions of risks related to climate change
Luisa Menapace, University of Trento; Gregory J. Colson, University of Georgia; Roberta Raffaelli, University of Trento, Italy
Carol A. Jones, Cynthia J. Nickerson, and Paul W. Heisey, USDA-Economic Research Service