Track Sessions
2013 Track Sessions
- Risk, Risk Perception and Behavior (Joint with IBES)
- Price Risk and Price Volatility: Implications for the Developing World
- Current Issues in the Federal Crop Insurance Program (Joint with AFM)
- Risk Modeling for Extension Economists (Joint with EXT)
2012 Track Sessions
- Practical Issues of Agricultural Insurance Programs in Developing Countries
- Advances, Updates, and Practical Issues in U.S Crop Insurance Premium Rating Methods (Joint with AFM)
- Managing Assigned Risk in Food: Mitigation and Indemnification (Joint with FSN)
- Transforming Climate Information for Production Decision-making: the U2U Project (Joint with Extension Section)
- Is Subsidizing Farm Crop and Revenue Insurance Economically Justified? (Invited Paper)(Joint with Senior Section)
2011 Track Sessions
- The Economics of Health Risks and Disasters
- Can Government Really Make Agriculture Less Risky?
- Economics Consequences of Risk for Participants in Beef Cattle Markets
2010 Track Sessions
- Copulas: How to Better Model Dependent Random Variables (Joint Session with Econometrics Section)
- Managing Risk through Livestock Disease Policy
- Risk Issues at the Interface of Extension and Research (Joint Session with Extension Section)
- New Developments in Crop Insurance and Their Implications for 2010 and Beyond
2009 Track Sessions
- Frontiers of Agricultural Risk I
- Frontiers of Agricultural Risk II