Open Call for Track Session Proposals
The Brewing and Enology Economic Research (BEER) section of the AAEA is soliciting track session presentations for the 2023 AAEA Annual meeting in Washington, DC (July 23 – 25, 2023). This year, we are offering two $500 Graduate Student Scholarships!
BEER has been allocated two track sessions:
- Policy-oriented panel: We are planning to feature a panel to discuss policy-relevant issues that affect the supply chain of breweries, wineries, and distilleries. Examples can range from the challenges wholesalers and distributors face to the design of optimal alcohol laws. This is a stage for industry and government experts on alcoholic beverages.
- Research presentations: We encourage anyone with a work in progress on beer, wine, and/or spirits to reach out to us at your earliest convenience with a title and short abstract. If a cohesive theme emerges among the responses we receive, that will determine the focus of the session!
BEER is also offering graduate student research scholarships for two students (each worth $500). Please click here for details. These students will have the opportunity to present their work in one of our beer track sessions in the 2023 AAEA annual conference.
Track session proposals are due to AAEA by December 1, so please email your submissions to mpmccull@calpoly.edu (chair) or ecengiz@ncsu.edu (chair-elect) no later than Friday, November 25, 2022, 5:00 PM Eastern.