2012 Extension Section Award Winners
Individual: Less than Ten Years’ Experience
Marco Palma, Texas A&M University
Individual: Ten or More Years’ Experience
Thomas Stinson University of Minnesota
Tim Eggers, Robert Wells, and Kelvin Leibold, Iowa State University; Mary Sobba and Karina Devlin, University of Missouri; Ruth Hambleton, University of Illinois (retired)
Graduate Student Extension Competition
First place: Madilynne McGuire, Colorado State University
Mentor: Dustin Pendell, Colorado State University
Second Place: Chris Chammoun, Texas A&M University
Mentor: Marco Palma and Joe Outlaw, Texas A&M University
Third Place: Arun Adhikari, Louisiana State University
Mentor: James Fannin, Louisiana University
Extension Section Outstanding Electronic Media Education Award
Understanding Dairy Markets (http://future.aae.wisc.edu)
2011 Extension Section Award Winners
Individual: Less than Ten Years’ Experience
Corinne Alexander, Purdue University
Individual: Ten or More Years’ Experience
H. Douglas Jose, University of Nebraska
Jody Campiche, Michael Dicks, Rodney Jones, and Larry Sanders, Oklahoma State University
Graduate Student Extension Competition
First place: Rebecca Goldbach, Colorado State University
Mentor: Dawn Thilmany McFadden, Colorado State University
Second Place: David Widmar, Purdue University
Mentor: Nicole Olynk, Purdue University
Third Place: Callie McAdams, Texas A&M University
Mentor: Marco Palma, Texas A&M University
Extension Section Outstanding Electronic Media Education Award
The Market Journal (http://marketjournal.unl.edu/)
2010 Extension Section Award Winners
Individual: Less than Ten Years’ Experience
Maria Marshall, Purdue University
Individual: Ten or More Years’ Experience
John Lawrence, Iowa State University
“Financial and Risk Management (FARM) Assistance”
Steven Klose, Joe Outlaw, Greg Kaase, Natalie Outlaw, DeDe Jones, Jay Yates, Patrick Warminski, Jeff Pate, Wade Polk, Mac Young, Jonathan Baros, and Candice Foster, Texas AgriLive Extension Service, Texas A&M University System
Graduate Student Extension Competition
First Place: Gretchen Nurse, Colorado State University. Topic: "Exploring the Marketing Implications of Local Food Systems: creating Effective Marketing and Policies Based on Consumer Motivations"
Second Place: Lee Schulz, Kansas State University. Topic: "A New Live Animal Traceability System Regime"
Third Place: Mallory Vestal, Oklahoma State University. Topic: "Genetics and the Bull Purchase Decision"
Extension Section Outstanding Electronic Media Education Award
AgManager.info, Kansas State University (www.AgManager.info)
Ag In Uncertain Times (AgInUncertainTimes.FarmManagement.org)
2009 Extension Section Award Winners
Individual: Less than Ten Years’ Experience
Laura T. Kalambokidis, University of Minnesota
Individual: Ten or More Years’ Experience
Clark F. Seavert, Oregon State University
“Agricultural Innovation and Commercialization Center, New Ventures Team”
Joan R Fulton and Maria Marshall, Purdue University
Web Award
Ag Decision Maker, Iowa State University
Graduate Student Extension Competition
First Place: Anna Flaig, Purdue University, It's all in the Family! Starting a Family Business 101
Second Place: Sonja Perakis, Michigan State University, Improving Quality of the Shea Market Through Farmer Organization Design and Market Coordination
Third Place: Daniel Sanders, The Ohio State University, Anaerobic Digestion as Manure Management Tool for Dairy Producers: An Examination and Explanation of the Science, Mechanics and Economics
2008 Extension Section Award Winners
Individual - Less than 10 Years’ Experience
Vera Bitsch, Michigan State University
Individual – More than 10 Years’ Experience
Michael Boehlje, Purdue University
“The Packer-Feeder Game – An Experiential Learning Program"
Clement Ward, Oklahoma State University
Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University
Stephen Koontz, Colorado State University
James Trapp, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
Website (Web Based Tools)
FAST Tools
Farmdoc, University of Illinois
Graduate Student Extension Competition
First Place: T.J. Hanson, University of Minnesota, What do we know about Minnesota’s Job Opportunity Building Zones (JOBZ) Program?
Second Place: Keri Perez, North Carolina State University, Optimal Conservation Strategies for Landowners: An Extension Program to Address Conservation Decision on Agricultural Land
Third Place: Jennifer Thorvaldson, Colorado State University, Water Leases: Attitudes of South Platte Farmers
2007 Extension Section Award Winners
Individual - Less than 10 Years’ Experience
Allan Gray, Purdue
Individual – More than 10 Years’ Experience
Steven C. Blank, University of California-Davis
"U.S. Livestock Identification Systems: Risk Management and Market Opportunities."
Wendy Umberger, Colorado State U., and Dee Von Bailey, Utah State University, coordinators
Website (for an electronic newsletter)
Agricultural and Resource Economics Update
Giannini FoundationUniversity of California
2006 Extension Section Award Winners
Individual - Less than 10 Years’ Experience
Lori Lynch, University of Maryland
Individual – More than 10 Years’ Experience
Gerald White, Cornell University
Members of the "Tobacco Quota Buyout Program" team
Blake Brown, Gary Bullen, Ted Feitshans, Arnold Oltmans, Guido Van Der Hoeven and Michael Walden of North Carolina State University; Steve Isaacs, Tracy Probst and Will Snell, University of Kentucky; Kelly Tiller, University of Tennessee
Website - tie
FINBIN - The Farm Financial Database (The University of Minnesota)
Inventure - Agriculture Innovation & Commercialization Center (Purdue University)
2005 Extension Section Award Winners
Individual - Less than 10 Years’ Experience
Nicolas Piggott, North Carolina State University
Individual – More than 10 Years’ Experience
Stephen Amosson, Texas A&M University
Members of the “Trade Adjustment Assistance Training for Catfish Producers” team
Terry Hanson, John Anderson and James Avery, Mississippi State University
Individual Website
Howard Rosenberg of Cal-Berkeley
2004 Extension Section Award Winners
George F. Patrick, Purdue University
Members of the “Winning the Game” team
Robert Craven, Edward Usset, Wynn Richardson, Tim Arlt, Willam Craig, Gary Hachfeld and Bret Oelke, University of Minnesota; Roger Selley, H. Douglas Jose, Terence Hejny, Robert Deduna and David Goeller, University of Nebraska; Roy Smith; Keith Banta, County Hedging, Inc.
Departmental Website - tie
Penn State University
Alabama A&M University
2003 Extension Section Award Winners
Chris Hurt, Purdue University
Members of the Texas A&M University "2002 Farm Bill Education Program" team
Joe L. Outlaw, James W. Richardson, David P. Anderson, Steven L. Klose and James D. Sartewelle, III
2002 Extension Section Award Winners
Robert N. Wisner, Iowa State University
Members of the Farm.Doc Team, University of Illinois
Paul Ellinger, Darrel Good, Robert Hauser, Dale Lattz, Joao Marines, Gary Schnitkey, Bruce Sherrick, Don Uchtmann, and Scott Irwin (team leader).
2001 Extension Section Award Winners
G. Art Barnaby, jr., Kansas State University.
Gerald A. Doeksen, Oklahoma State University.
Extension Risk Management Education Coordinating Team
H. Douglas Jose, University of Nebraska, Kevin Klair, University of Minnesota, Jon Newkirk, Washington State University, James L. Novak, Auburn University, Kenneth W. Stokes, Texas A&M University and
H. Don Tilmons, University of Delaware.
2000 Extension Section Award Winners
Timothy Kelsey, Pennsylvania State University, "Local Taxes and Our Community"
"Managing Risk and Profits"
More than 30 faculty and staff in 13 universities and companies participated. The institutions and directors are: Iowa State University, Robert Wisner; The Ohio State University, Dean Baldwin, Cameron Thraen and Norman St-Pierre; University of Wisconsin, Robert Cropp and Kevin Bernhardt.
1999 Extension Section Award Winners
Lynn Harvey, Michigan State U.
Purdue University project, "Food System 21: Gearing Up for the New Millennium",
Over 50 faculty and staff in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Agronomy, Animal Sciences, Food Sciences, Forestry and Natural Resources, and Horticulture and Landscape Architecture. Co-Chairs in the Department of Agricultural Economics: Michael Boehlje and Wallace Tyner.
1998 Extension Section Award Winners
Master Marketer Program
Texas A&M University, Steve Amosson, Stan Bevers, Jackie Smith, Roland Smith, and Mark Waller.
1997 Extension Section Award Winners
Nelson Bills, Cornell U.
Managing for Today's Cattle Market and Beyond Program
U. of Wyoming.
The Agricultural and Food Policy Center
Texas A&M U