2023 Track Sessions
- Advances in Behavioral and Experimental Economics in Applied and Agricultural Economics
- Exploring the Effects of Taxes and Labeling on Food and Beverage Purchases
- SNAP Household Food Choices: Evidence Using Scanner Data
- Food Assistance Research with Administrative Records
- Foodborne Illnesses in the US and globally: What does it cost and how can we reduce it
- Issues in U.S. Nutrition Assistance during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Cost of Choosing a Healthy Diet: Looking Beyond the Ideal
- Bridging U.S. and international research on food security, food prices and access to healthy, sustainable diets
2018 FSN Section Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
2018 Track Sessions
- Targeting and Evaluating Investments in Food Safety in Low- and Middle- Income Countries (Joint with INTL)
- Food Safety Challenges and Antimicrobial Resistance (Joint with Senior)
- Food Fraud, Food Safety, and Public Policy (Joint with Senior)
- Women’s Empowerment for Agriculture and Nutrition in South Asia (Joint with INTL)
- The Impact of Food System Transformations on Community Development (Joint with CRENET)
- The potential effect of regulatory and voluntary changes in the food supply to improve diet quality (Joint with FAMPS)
- Using Data to Inform Health and Nutrition Policy (Joint with FAMPS)
- Economics of Dietary Choices – Measurement issues (Joint with FAMPS)
2017 AAEA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
2017 Track Sessions
- Food Assistance Program Design in WIC: Mechanisms for Targeting Nutritional Needs (Joint with Senior)
- Food prices, market access and malnutrition in rural Africa (Joint with International)
- Marketing Policy Implications of Food: Consumer behavior and labeling policy from different perspectives (Joint with FAMPS)
- Food Waste in the United States: Historical Perspectives, Theory, and Empirical Evidence (Joint with FAMPS)
- Expectations and Realities of Securing a Job and Tenure: A Blended Perspective (Joint with GSS)
- Physiological Measurement in Economics Experiments (Invited Paper - Joint with EXECON)
- Food Waste: Methodologies and Measurements
- Applying economic research to benefit cost analyses: Examples from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Joint with ARA)
2016 AAEA Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
2016 Track Sessions
- How do you choose your food? Insights from behavioral economics (Joint with IBES)
- Life on the Tenure-Track: Keys to Strategic Choices Early in your Career (Joint with GSS)
- What's in a Label? The Research, Politics and Policy of Genetically Modified Products Labeling in the U.S. (Joint with FAMPS)
- Scanner Data and Nutrition Links: Early Findings and Future Research Directions (Joint with FAMPS)
- Where are they Now? Research Updates from Graduates of the Behavioral Economics Workshop (Joint with GSS)
- Marketing sustainability: Consumer interest in sustainability and health attributes on food and beverage products (Joint with FAMPS)
- Does Food Safety Regulation Pay? (Joint with FAMPS)
- Behavioral Economics and School Food Policy: Nudging Towards Better Choices (Joint with IBES)
2015 AAEA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
2015 Track Sessions
- Modeling Current Issues in Food System Analysis (Joint with Econometrics)
- Hunger Relief Programs: Exploring Methods to Improve Food Access (Invited Paper Session - Joint with Senior Section)
- Including Subjective Beliefs in Empirical Models of Choice and Preferences: Methodological and Food Policy Implications (Joint with FAMPS)
- Children's food choices throughout the day: Looking beyond the school lunchroom (Joint with IBES)
- Costs and Consequences of Recent Legislation Affecting Dairy and Food Safety (Joint with ARA)
- Understanding and Analyzing IRI Scanner Data (Joint with GSS)
- Acing the Race to Tenure: A Forum on Publication and Career Strategies (Joint with GSS)
- Analyzing Food Choices: The Effects of Social Networks, Nutrition Facts in Lunchrooms and Cognitive Abilities (Joint with FAMPS)
- Food Safety as a Global Public Good: Recent Advances in Strengthening the Foundation for More Effective Food Safety Management Around the World (Joint with FAMPS)
- Advancing Behavioral Methods for Assessing Consumer Demand: Applications to Food Safety and Animal Welfare (Joint with IBES)
2014 AAEA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN
2014 FSN Track Sessions
- Consumer Labeling Issues (Joint with FAMPS)
- Feeding the Poor in America (Joint with Senior)
- To Nudge or Not to Nudge: When Does Food Policy Become Paternalism? (Joint with IBES)
- Childhood Food Insecurity in the United States
- The Impact of the Food Safety Modernization Act on the U.S. Produce Industry: Domestic Production and Latin American Imports (Joint with LAS)
- Global Trends in Marketing and Demand of Meat and Dairy Products (Joint with FAMPS)
2013 AAEA & CAES Joint Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
2013 FSN Track Sessions
- The Effects of Social Network on Food Choices
- Food Safety Regulation and North American Economic Integration (Co-sponsored with CAES)
- Shopping with SNAP: Economic and Behavioral Strategies to Encourage Healthier Food Purchases (Co-sponsored with IBES)
- Agriculture and Nutrition Linkages (Co-sponsored with INT)
- Potential Solutions to the Obesity Epidemic (Co-sponsored with Senior Section)
- The Evolving Dual Burden of Obesity and Malnutrition: Driving Forces and Implications for Development Policy (Co-sponsored with Senior Section)
- Value-added through Food Processing: Price, Time, and Nutrition Trade-offs (Co-sponsored with FAMPS)
2013 Post-conference Workshops
- Economic Analysis and Food Safety: The Food Safety Modernization Act
- The Debt of USDA's New National Food Study to Support Research on Health and Obesity, Hunger, and Nutrion Assistance Policy
2012 AAEA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA
2012 FSN Track Sessions
For more information about the FSN Track Sessions and Food Safety and Nutrition Selected Papers, please visit the preliminary program page of the 2012 Annual Meeting website.
- Food Marketing and Nutrition: An Industrial Organization Perspective (Co-sponsored with FAMPS)
- Managing Assigned Risk in Food: Mitigation and Indemnification (Co-sponsored with ARA)
- Frontier Issues in International Nutrition: Research and Interventions in Africa
- Labeling, Regulation, and Food Demand (Co-sponsored with FAMPS)
- A Pressure Cooker for Change: Food Policy and the 2012 Farm Bill (Co-sponsored with the Senior Section)
- Obesity, Diet and Health (Co-sponsored with the Senior Section)