2013 International Section Track Sessions
Whither global food prices?
Organizers: Thomas W. Hertel, Purdue University and Wyatt W. Thompson, University of Missouri
Local and gendered impacts of climate change and other drivers on adaptation at micro level: Lessons from S.S. Africa, S. Asia and Mountain Regions in Latin America
Organizer: Corinne Valdivia, University of Missouri
Reformed Again: Can the CGIAR Be Better? (Joint with IAAE)
Organizer: Alexander F. McCalla, University of Califorina-Davis
Agriculture and Nutrition Linkages (Joint with FSN)
Organizer: Gerald E. Shively, Purdue Univerisity
Emerging Land Issue in African Agriculture and their Implications for Rural Development Strategies
Organizer: Thomas S. Jayne, Michigan State University
The Impact of Prices, Structures, and Growth on Food Security and Poverty Reduction (Joint with IAAE)
Organizer: Johan F. Swinnen, University of Leuven
Adaptation to and Mitigation of Climate Change: The Potential Role of Conservation Agriculture in Developing Countries
Organizers: George Norton, Viriginia Tech and Jeffrey Alwang, Virginia Tech
Agricultural Trade and Price Transmission in African Countries (Joint with COSBAE)
Organizer: Andrew Muhammad, USDA-ERS
2012 International Section Track Sessions
Impact of Free Trade Agreements
Organizer: Dale Colyer, West Virginia University
Moderator: P. Lynn Kennedy, Louisiana State University
The Emerging Role of KRU in Global Food Security: Prospects and Problems
Organizer: William H. Meyers, University of Missouri
Moderator: Andrew Schmitz, University of Florida
Agriculture and Disaster Risk Reduction beyond Crop Insurance and Hedging: Can Agricultural Economics Help the Agriculture Sector Proactively Increase Its Resilience?
Organizer: Harvey, S.J. Hill, Agriculture Canada, AESB
Emerging Issues in Demand and International Trade in China
Organizers: Andrew Muhammad, USDA, ERS & Michael D. Hudson, Texas Tech University
Moderator: Blondel Brinkman, USDA, APHIS
Impacts of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines on Fruit, Vegetable, and Livestock Industries
Organizers: Walter J. Armbruster, Farm Foundation (retired) & Ronald Knutson, Texas A&M University
Moderator: Walter J. Armbruster, Farm Foundation (retired)
Frontier Issues in International Agricultural Development: Insights from the C-FARE Blue Ribbon Development Panel
Organizer: George W. Norton, Virginia Tech
Moderator: Jason H. Grant, Virginia Tech
High Global Food Prices, Price Volatility, and China
Organizer: David Abler, Penn State University/By The Numbers
Moderator: Thomas I. Wahl, North Dakota State University
2011 International Section Track Sessions
Research and Diffusion of Tolerance Cultivars in Developing Countries: What Can We Learn from Projects to Develop Drought Tolerant Crops in Asia (Rice) and Sub-Saharan Africa (Maize)?
Organizer: Carl E. Pray, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Moderator: Travis Lybbert, University of California, Davis
Systemic Risk, Index Insurance, and Credit Markets in Developing Countries
Organizer: Mario Miranda, The Ohio State University
Moderator: Jerry Skees, University of Kentucky
Tapping Buoyant Global Commodity Markets: Secrets of Success for Developing Competitive Commercial Agriculture
Organizer: Derek Byerlee, Independent Scholar
Discussant: John Staatz, Michigan State University
Global Agriculture Development: Changing Aid Architecture, New Players, and the Evolving Roles of the Traditional Donors
Organizer: Prabhu Pingali, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Moderator: Alex McCalla, University of California, Davis
Factors Impacting Livestock and Meat Trade in the NAFTA Countries
Organizers: Andrew Muhammad and Keithly Jones, USDA-Economic Research Service
Moderator: Richard Stillman, USDA-Economic Research Service
Discussant: Keithly Jones, USDA-Economic Research Service
One Price for Carbon? International Coordination of Climate Change Policies
Organizer: Munisamy Gopinath, Oregon State University
Moderator: Munisamy Gopinath, Oregon State University
Discussants: Tun-Hsiang Yu, University of Tennessee; Harry de Gorter, Cornell University
2010 International Section Track Sessions
Has the WTO Constrained Domestic Support Policies?
Moderator: Timothy Josling, Stanford U
Discussant: Joseph Glauber, USDA-Office of the Chief Economist
The Contribution of Agricultural Economists to the Understanding of International Trade
Moderator: Alex McCalla, UC, Davis
Discussants: Thomas W. Hertel, Purdue U; Ian Sheldon, The Ohio State U
Food Consumption Trends in Urban China, Implications for International Agricultural Markets
Organizers: Thomas Wahl, North Dakota State U; Junfei Bai, Washington State U
Moderator: Thomas Wahl, North Dakota State U
Panelists: Travis A. Smith, USDA-Economic Research Service; Junfei Bai, Washington State U; Thomas Wahl, North Dakota State U; Jill McCluskey, Washington State U
Discussant: James Seale, U of Florida; Jikun Huang, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy
The Contribution of Agricultural Economics to the Understanding of International Economic Development
Moderator: Michael Carter, UC, Davis
Discussants: Gershon Feder, International Food Policy Research Institute; Thomas Reardon, Michigan State U
Food, Fuel, and Forest: Climate Change and Land Use Issues in the 21st Century
Moderator: William Meyers, U of Missouri
Panelists: Eustaquio Reis, Institute for Applied Economics Research; Jikun Huang, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy; Patrick Westhoff, U of Missouri; Jadwiga Ziolkowska, UC, Berkeley
Discussants: Suchada Langley, USDA-Economic Research Service; Vincent Smith, Montana State U
Exchange Rates, Prices, and Agricultural Trade: What Have We Learned?
Moderator: David Orden, International Food Policy Research Institute
Discussant: Munisamy Gopinath, Oregon State U
Climate Change and Agriculture: Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation
Moderator: Kitty Smith, USDA-Economic Research Service
Panelists: Gerald Nelson, International Food Policy Research Institute; Nancy McCarthy, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Bruce McCarl, Texas A&M U