Invited Paper Sessions

The deadline has passed.

Call for Proposals:

AAEA welcomes proposals for Invited Paper sessions for the 2025 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. Papers in these Invited Paper sessions may be published in the Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy (AEPP) in March 2026, subject to review. Proposals from individuals or groups need to be submitted using the online submission system by December 4, 2024 December 10, 2024.

The Abstract Management System is open for submissions.

The most successful invited papers frame new areas of research, provide a systematic review of an existing area, or offer a novel perspective.

Proposed session formats must include either two papers with two discussants or three papers with one discussant. Four paper sessions will not be considered.

Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • The proposed session supports the objective of the Association to further the development and dissemination of systematic knowledge of agricultural and applied economics;
  • The importance of the session is well-justified;
  • The proposed papers are timely and the topics are likely to generate meaningful discussion during the presentation, as well as interest in a published version;
  • It is likely that the session format will be conducive to a clear, focused, and informative presentation of the topics proposed;
  • The session theme and paper topics are not repetitive of themes and/or topics previously addressed in Invited Paper sessions;
  • The set of sessions will appeal to a broad spectrum of the membership.

All presenters must present in-person.

Proposals should include session title and rationale, two-page abstracts and titles for each proposed presentation, and names and contact information of authors, discussants, and moderators.

Final versions of the invited papers must be submitted to AAEA by May 14, 2025. If the authors wish the invited paper to be reviewed for publication in the AEPP, it should also be submitted to the AEPP Editors via Editorial Express by August 25, 2025.

Note: Specific Track Sessions can also be considered as Invited Paper sessions. These sessions need to be submitted through the abstract submission system as an Invited Paper session (see the call for Invited Paper Sessions for more information), and included with the initial Track Session proposals due in December, with an indication that it has also been submitted as an Invited Paper Session. If the proposed Invited Paper session is not accepted, it will still be included as a traditional Track Session.

Please visit the AAEA Annual Meeting Website for more information about the annual meeting.

If you have any questions about submitting an Invited Paper session proposal, please contact Mary Annen at or at (414) 918-3190.