Pre- and Post-conference Workshops

The deadline has passed.

Call for Proposals:

The AAEA Executive Board invites proposals for Pre- and Post-conference Workshops at the 2025 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. The deadline for proposals is December 2. Selections will be finalized at the AAEA Executive Board meeting in early January and organizers will be notified soon thereafter by the AAEA President.

Submissions will be judged on the merits of the proposal and the space and time available at the Annual Meeting. Organizers will work with the AAEA Business Office to develop a budget for final approval at the January Board meeting.

Proposals should be submitted using the Pre- and Post-conference Workshop Proposal Form available on the AAEA website, of proposed session and the proposed date and time that the workshop would take place (potential dates include Saturday, July 26, and Wednesday, July 30).

  1. Objectives of the workshop, as well as the timeliness of the subject and why the content of the workshop is relevant to AAEA members/meeting attendees
  2. Potential speakers, presenters, or panel members, and the total time required for these presentations
  3. Intended audience and expected attendance at the workshop
  4. Contact information for organizers in charge of overall development and coordination (complete addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses)
  5. Complete budget information, which includes: financial support expected, speaker travel expenses, stipends, and honoraria, catering needs, administrative fees, and other income and costs. Detailed information will be needed, including any catering requests (e.g. boxed lunches, buffet, coffee breaks, etc.), so that a registration fee for the workshop can be determined
  6. Any requests for membership and/or registration fee waivers that may be required in order to properly conduct the workshop
  7. Any special software or electronic needs, including if the attendees will be required to bring a laptop
  8. If you are requesting funding from the AAEA Trust for the workshop, please visit this website for proposal submission details. Proposals are due Monday, October 14, 2024

Incomplete proposals cannot be considered. Please include as much information as needed when submitting; there is no minimum or maximum length for the proposal.

Submit proposals using the Pre- and Post-conference Workshop Proposal Form available on the AAEA website, by December 2, 2024.

If you have any questions about submitting a proposal, please contact Mary Annen at or at (414) 918-3190.

AAEA 2025

555 East Wells Street
Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823 USA
Phone: (414) 918-3190

© 2025 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association. All rights reserved.