2024 Track Sessions
- Difference-in-Difference: Recent Methodological Advances and Their Relevance to Empirical Work
- Theoretical and Econometric Models of Subsidized Crop Insurance
- Economics of Precision Conservation (Joint with ENV)
- Using Government and NGO Datasets in Class (Joint with TLC)
2023 Track Sessions
- Innovative Methods in Data Mining and Analytics for Teaching, Research, and Extension
- Studying Climate Change Impacts from Different Methodological Perspectives
- Frontier Issues of On-farm Risk Management using Agricultural Practices: What is Germane and what is Inane
- Synthetic Controls: Methods and Practice
- Understanding US biofuel policy using modern causal inference methods
- Teaching with Various Statistical Software
2022 Track Sessions
- Frontier Issues in US Agricultural Insurance: Cover Crops, Correlated Risk Assessment, and Abiotic Stress; Oh My! , Joint with ARA
- Identification in demand estimations, Joint with HES
- Inference for Regression with Clustered Errors,
- New developments in Agri-food E-commerce Studies: Conceptual Frameworks and Applications of Big Data, Joint with FAMPS
- Spatially Varying Coefficient Models
2021 Track Sessions
- Advances in Quantile Regressions for Agricultural Economics,
- Econometric Measurement of Production Risk, Joint with ARA
- Federal Benefit Receipt, Health, and Cyclical Decision Making,
- New Approaches to Estimating Gravity Models for Agricultural Trade, Joint with INT
- Sparse Demand Systems,
- The Interplay Between Weather/Climate Risk and Agricultural Insurance, Joint with ARA
2018 Track Sessions
- How Should Econometrics Be Taught
- Reduced-Form vs. Structural Approaches to Empirical Work- Is the Pendulum Swinging Back
- Climate Econometrics- New Regression Methods and Practices
- Robust Econometric Modeling of Environmental Effects in Economics (Joint with ENV)
- Theory and empirical evidences on the welfare implications of agrifood value chain transformation (Joint with AEM)
2017 Track Sessions
- New Issues in the Econometrics of Panel Data Specification, Identification, and Estimation
- Measurement and Policy from Three Perspectives: Sampling, Anchoring, and Unit Values
- Using Climate Shocks to Estimate Early Human Capital Formation in Developing Countries (Joint with International)
- Measuring SNAP Policy Impacts and Food Security Module Accuracy Using FoodAPS and CPS Data
- Identifying Supply- and Demand-Side Drivers of Farm Productivity
- Empirical estimation of endogenous social effects: spatial spillovers, social networks, and endogenous choice
2016 Track Sessions
- Mixture models in agricultural and applied economics
- Implications of Recent Empirical Evidence for the Risk-Balancing Hypothesis (Joint with ARA)
- Agribusiness Research Methods (Joint with AEM)
- An Introduction to Econometric Modeling using Stan
- Food Safety Research and Big Data (Joint with Senior)
- Statistical approaches for addressing data-driven concerns regarding the rating of crop insurance
- Statistical techniques used to identify climate change implications and potential adaptations
2015 Track Sessions
- Modeling Current Issues in Food System Analysis (Joint with FSN)
- Identification of Causal Effects in Time Series Models
- How Can We Analyze Climate Change Policy When We Don't Have Enough Data?
- New Developments in Identifying Causal Effects in Econometrics
Guido Imbens - Causality: An Overview
Aaron Smith - Identifying Causal Effects in Time Series Models
2014 Track Sessions
- Applications of Hierarchical Regression Models in Development Economics (Joint with International)
- Agricultural and Applied Economics Priorities for Government Statistics (Joint with Senior)
- Econometric Analysis of Crop Yield Distributions and Crop Insurance Programs
- Spatial Econometrics Methods
2013 Track Sessions
- Data Analytic Methods for Experimental Auctions: A Learning Session
- The Role of Structural versus Nonstrucutral Modeling in Agricultural and Resource Economics Research
- Econometric Methods and Development Economics
- Structural Stability Testing in Time Series Date