2012 Econometrics Section Track Session
Regression Discontinuity Designs in Applied Econometrics
Organizer: Timothy KM Beatty, U of Minnesota
Learning Session: Bayesian Model Averaging
Organizer: Alan P. Ker, U of Guelph
Teaching Undergraduate and Graduate Econometrics
Organizer: Thomas L. Marsh, Washington State U
2011 Econometrics Section Track Session
The Structural Approach to High dimensional Zeroes Problems in Econometrics
Organizer: Jeffrey LaFrance, Washington State U
A Session In Honor and Memory of Catherine Morrison Paul
Organizer: Jeffrey Dorfman, U of Georgia
The History, Practice, and Latest Advances in Unit Roots and Cointegration
Organizer: Jeffrey Dorfman, U of Georgia
2010 Econometrics Section Track Sessions
Copulas: How to Better Model Dependent Random Variables
Organizers: B. Wade Brorsen, Oklahoma State U; Dmitry Vedenov, Texas A&M U
Propensity Score Matching: Learning How and When to Use This Technique
Organizer: Jeffrey Dorfman, U of Georgia
Fifty Years of Choice Modeling
Moderator: Hector O. Zapata, Louisiana State U
Econometric Developments in Agricultural and Resource Economics: The First 100 Years
Moderator: Jeffrey LaFrance, Washington State U