Track session presentations
Below are the presentations materials for previous track sessions at AAEA General Meetings. Presentations are generally available as powerpoint files (.ppt and .pptx) and handouts (in pdf format) are available for some of the presentations. Some presentations have been stripped of images in order to make them sufficiently small for download.
2022 Track Sessions
- Exploring Careers in Academia, Industry, and Government,
- EXT-GSS Extension Competition Winners , Joint with EXT
- How Covid changed our Classroom Experience, Joint with TLC
- Inside the Job Market, Joint with CWAE
- Promoting Mental Health, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Joint with CWAE
- Tips for navigating your teaching career, Joint with TLC
2021 Track Sessions
- Early Career Success: Award Winning Advice, Joint with TLC
- Graduate Student Extension Competition Presentations, Joint with EXT
- Grants in Applied Economics: Funding sources and the recipe for success, Joint with CWAE
- Navigating Stress, diversity and inclusion, Joint with COSBAE
- Sylvia Lane Mentees and Mentors Discussion about Formal Mentoring, Joint with CWAE
- Teaching Approaches in a Time of Transition (Lightening Session), Joint with TLC
- Tips for navigating your teaching career from AAEA/USDA award winners, Joint with TLC
- Writing, Publishing, and Public Engagement, Joint with TLC
2010 Presentations
- "How to Give a Presentation," Dr. Wade Brorsen, Oklahoma State University
- "How to Survive Graduate School I" Dr. Karina Gallardo, Washington State University
- "How to Survive Graduate School II," Dr. Pedro A. Alviola, University of Arkansas
- "How to Survive Graduate School III," Dr. Jesse Tack, Mississippi State University
- "How Not to Give a Teaching Presentation" Dr. Michael Wetzstein, University of Georgia
- "Extension Presentations to the New Extension Professional," Dr. Shannon L. Ferrell, Oklahoma State University
2009 Presentations
- "Top 10 Suggestions on Publishing Journal Articles"
- "Balancing Responsibilities of a Research/Teaching/Extension Assistant Professor," Joseph V. Balagtas, Purdue University
- "Navigating Tenure," Michael Gunderson, University of Florida
- "Helping Graduate Students to Realize their Potential in Research," David A. Hennessy, Iowa State University
- "Marginal Relevance of Major Professor in Early Career Success," Ted Schroeder, Kansas State University
- "Enhancing Professional Proficiency through Short-Term International Work," Daniel S. Tilley, Professor and Associate Director NPDC/IAS, Oklahoma State University
2008 Presentations
- "Getting Involved: Steps to Becoming An Irresistible Applicant," Wayne Howard, Cal Poly State University
- "The ideal job candidate: ready for policy research," Mary Bohman, ERS/USDA
- "Making the Short List: Advice on How to Get an Academic Interview," Keith H. Coble, Professor, Mississippi State University
- "Success in the AAE Job Market: An International Student Perspective," Octavio A. Ramirez, University of Georgia
- "Working for the Federal Government as an Agricultural Economist: What You Need to Know," James B. Whitaker, ERS/USDA
- "Tips for a Successful Campus Interview: Perspectives from a recent interviewer and interviewee," Sherry Larkin & Kim Morgan, University of Florida
- "Increasing the Odds of Publishing Academic Research," Brent A. Gloy, Cornell University
- "Grantsmanship: No Major Formula," Gerald A. Doeksen, Professor, Oklahoma State University
- "Reducing Rejection Rates: Steps to Getting Your Articles and Grants Noticed," Oral Capps, Jr, Professor, Texas A&M University
2007 Presentations
- "Landing Your First Academic Job: Application Proces and Tips?" Yin Xia, University of Missouri at Columbia
- "Opportunities For Economists in Agricultural Marketing Service," Kenneth Clayton, USDA - Agricultural Marketing Service
- "Best Practices for Creating and Customizing Your Application Package," Frank Dooley, Professor, Purdue University
- "Minimizing Risk in The Job Market: Tips for Preparing for an On-Campus Interview," Michael Gunderson, University of Florida
- "Top 10 Suggestions on Publishing Journal Articles," Jayson Lusk , Oklahoma State University
- "Pay No Attention To That Man Behind the Curtain: The Editor's Role in the Publishing Process," Gerald Shively, Purdue University
- "What I Wish I Knew 20 Years Ago About Writing and Submitting Journal Articles," Scott Irwin, University of Illinois
2006 Presentations
- "Responding to Job Postings and Preparing the Application Package," Christiane Schroeter, Assistant Professor, Arkansas State University
- "Tailoring the Application to the Position," Jay Noel, Professor, California Polytechnic State University
- "Interviewing for an Academic Position," Philip Garcia, Professor and T. A. Hieronymus Distinguished Chair in Futures Markets, Director Office for Futures and Options Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- "The Steps to Getting and Keeping an Academic Position," Steve Turner, Professor and Department Head, Mississippi State University
- "A Pathway to Your Future: The Federal Government's Executive Leadership Training Program," Doris Newton, Economist, USDA-ERS
- "On Getting Published: Views from a AJAE Editor," Wade Brorsen, Regents Professor and Jean & Patsy Neustadt Chair, Oklahoma State University
- "Experiences and Advice on Choosing and Preparing a Publishable Topic," Jean Kinsey, Professor and Co-Director of the Food Industry Center, University of Minnesota
- "Strategies for Publishing Your Research," John Loomis, Professor, Colorado State University
2005 Presentations
- "What Makes a CV Sparle," Corinne Alexander, Purdue University
- "Selling Yourself on the Academic Job Market," Christopher M. Anderson, University of Rhode Island
- "Your Winning Resume," Mark Wade, Evans Properties Inc
- "A Department Head's Perspective and Interviewing for 3-way Appointments," Dan Bernardo, Professor and Department Head, Kansas State University
- "Interviewing for Government Jobs: A view from ERS," Mary Bohman, Deputy Director of Research in Market and Trade Economics Division, Economic Research Service (ERS), USDA
- "Preparing to Interview with an Economics or Joint Economics/Agricultural Economics Department," Arne Hallam, Professor and Department Chair, Iowa State University
- "Strategies for Successful Journal Publications," Rachael Goodhue, Associate Professor, University of California, Davis
- "Perspectives from A Recently Tenured Professor," Jayson Lusk, Associate Professor, Purdue University
- "What Does it Take to Publish in the AJAE? - A View from an Ex-Editor," Bob Myers , Professor, Michigan State University Handout
2004 Presentations
- "Interviewing for Academic Positions - One Hirer's Perceptions and Expectations," Dr. Frank Dooley, Purdue University
- "Considerations when Seeking Faculty Teaching Positions within General economics Departments," Dr. Eric Houk, California State University - Stanislaus
- "Experiences in Preparing for the U.S. Academic Job Market as and International Student," Dr. Helen Pushkarskaya, University of Kentucky
- "What a Journal Editor wants to see," Katherine (Kitty) R. Smith, USDA - ERS
- "What Wins Awards?" Steven S. Vickner, University of Kentucky Handout
- "Perspectives from a Recently Tenured Professor," Terrance M. Hurley, University of Minnesota
- "Maximizing the Probability of Journal Article Acceptance," Ron C. Mittelhammer, Washington State University
- "Journal Article Writing and Publishing: Your Guide to Academic Success," Gail Crammer, Louisiana State University