Each year, the AEM Section participates in a number of activities at the AAEA Annual Meeting including presenting Track Sessions and co-sponsoring the Graduate Student Case Study Competition.
2024 Track Sessions
- The Rise of Agribusiness in South America and its Impacts on the Global Grain Market
- Producer and consumer acceptance of carbon and water management for climate-smart agriculture.
- Beyond Consumer Demand: Supply Chain Dimensions of Animal Welfare-Friendly Products (Joint with FAMPS)
- Sustainability, crop diversification, and controlled environment agriculture (Joint with SCE)
- Market Power in the Cattle and Beef Packing Industry (Joint with Senior Section)
- Making Group Projects Feel Less Like Work (Joint with TLC)
2023 Track Sessions
- Structural Change, International Competition, and Environmental Impacts in the Aquaculture Industry
- Innovative Methods in Data Mining and Analytics for Teaching, Research, and Extension
- Studying Climate Change Impacts from Different Methodological Perspectives
- Challenging Dynamics for Agricultural Transportation
- Trends in fruit and vegetable demand and implications for prices, marketing, and agribusiness
- Innovative course formats to enhance student learning
- Inside-Out Teaching Academy: Choices Inside the Classroom and the Impact Out in the Real World
- The Game of Games: The Pedagogy and Examples of Games to Teach Agribusiness Concepts
2022 Track Sessions
- Academy's Response: How then shall we teach?
- Approaches to Engaging with Industry for Professional Development
- Collaborating for Food System Resiliency, Joint with EXT
- Contemporary Curriculum and Teaching Tools in Farm Management, Joint with TLC
- Essential (Soft) Skills The Demand Needs Supply, Joint with TLC
2021 Track Sessions
- Crop insurance participation: novel theoretical and empirical analyses, Joint with ARA
- Data on Data “Opportunities and Challenges in Creating Value with Data Technology"
- Management experience and ownership factors influencing family farm entrepreneurial efforts, Joint with EXT
- Professional development for undergraduate and graduate agribusiness students: What skills are needed and how do we teach them?, Joint with TLC
- Tackling Risk and Risk Management, Joint with ARA
- The Growing Importance of Non-Traditional Lenders in Agricultural Credit Markets, Joint with AFM
- Crop Insurance, Risk, and Environmentally-Friendly Practices, Joint with ARA
2018 Track Sessions
- The Future of Agribusiness Research, Teaching and Extension (Joint with TLC)
- How Cooperatives Create Value and Differential Economic Impact (Joint with AFM)
- Current Topics in Food and Specialty Crop Risk Management
- Recent Topics on Food Retail (Joint with FAMPS)
- Theory and empirical evidences on the welfare implications of agrifood value chain transformation (Joint with Econometrics)
- The Role of Trust in the Food and Agribusiness Value Chain
2017 Track Sessions
- Agribusiness Theory and Research
- Attracting and Retaining Generation Y in the Agribusiness Industry
- Management in Tomorrow's Digital Agriculture (Joint with AFM)
- U.S. Distillers' Grains Industry Analysis (Joint with AFM)
- Food Fraud: Economic Analysis of Fraud in Supply Chains and Consumer Behavior Implications (Joint with FAMPS)
- Analysis of Organic Supply Chains at the Retail, Production and Trade Levels (Joint with FAMPS)
2016 Track Sessions
- Agribusiness Research Methods (Joint with Econometrics)
- Regulatory Costs in California Agriculture (Joint with Senior)
- Soybean Expansion in the Tropics (Joint with LAS)
- U.S. Agribusiness Exporters to China: Challenges and Success Stories (Joint with China)
- Are Online Food Sales Ready to Go Mainstream? Developments in Ecommerce
- Economics of Animal Health
2015 Track Sessions
- Emerging Trends in Local Food Marketing: Future Research and Outreach Perspectives
- Economics of Food Losses and Waste: What are the right questions? (Joint with International)
- Innovative Methods for Teaching Industry Skills to Students (Joint with TLC)
- Keys to Responding Successfully to Funding Opportunities for Economics: Look, Read, Respond (Joint with Senior Section)
- Whither "Agriculture of the Middle"
- Assessing the Status of Global Dairy Trade (Joint with COSBAE)
- Understanding the Role of Performance Management in Food and Agribusiness Firms
Past Track Sessions
Graduate Student Case Study Competition
AEM co-sponsors the AEM/GSS Case Study Competition which provides an opportunity for Graduate Students to test their communication skills as well as their ability to apply their knowledge of agricultural economics and agribusiness subjects to practical situations. Cash prizes are awarded to the top three finishing teams.
Click here to view a historical list of the Case Study Competition winners.