Open Call for Track Session Proposals
The AEM leadership are pleased to invite you to submit proposals for track sessions at the 2025 AAEA Annual Meeting to be held in Denver, Colorado, July 27-29, 2025.
Track sessions must fit one of the following formats:
- Four presentations with no discussants or panelists, or
- Three presentations with a maximum of one discussant, or
- Two presentations with a maximum of two discussants or panelists, or
- Lightning Session - with a maximum of 8, 9-minute presentations, or
- A panel with a maximum of five participants and no presentation.
Your proposals can be submitted by completing the following form: http://tx.ag/AEMproposals
Or, complete this template and email to john.park@ag.tamu.edu.
The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, November 20, 2024.
If you have an idea for the proposal but have questions/need clarifications, please feel free to email me before submitting your proposal. Our section has been allocated four track sessions this year. We will give priority to proposals addressing emerging issues in food and agribusiness sector but will be glad to co-sponsor track sessions with other sections (TLC, TLC, AFM, EXT, etc.) on other related topics.
The AEM leadership team will evaluate and select proposals with the highest potential to generate interest and high attendance by AEM members and AAEA participants.? Based on select proposals we will develop and submit a final proposal to AAEA which is due on December 4.
The association and section leadership encourage participation of early career faculty and graduate students in track session proposals.? Please encourage your early career colleagues and collaborators to submit proposals and ideas for AEM or joint track sessions.
If you have any questions, please contact John Park, AEM Chair-Elect at john.park@ag.tamu.edu.