List of Case Studies used for the Annual GSS AEM Case Study Competition
2017 AAEA meeting in Chicago, IL
Case: Transactions Costs and Governance Structures: The Case of Great Lakes Cooperative and Green Plains Renewable Energy
Case authors: Gregory McKee and Keri Jacobs
2016 AAEA meeting in Boston, MA
Case: Burgerville – Fresh out of Local and Sustainable
Case authors: James Sterns and Jeff Harvey
2015 AAEA meeting in San Francisco, CA
Case: Loftus Ranches: A Hop into the Future
Case authors: David Widmar, Allan Gray and Michael Boehlje
2014 AAEA meeting in Minneapolis, MN
Case: Beyond Precision Ag: If Big Data ‘s the Answer, What’s the Question?
Case authors: Steve Sonka
2013 AAEA meeting in Washington D.C.
Case: JBS United and the Future: Too Many Opportunities
Case authors: Steve Sonka
2012 AAEA meeting in Seattle, WA
Case: Sunsweet Growers: Prunes as Part of a Healthy Diet
Case authors: Jena Silva, Michael Boland and John Crespi
2011 AAEA meeting in Pittsburg, PA
Case: Excel Co-op: Responding to Biofuels
Case authors: Jay Akridge, Maud Roucan, Allan Gray, Mike Boehlje and Christos Bitsanis
2010 AAEA meeting in Denver, CO
Case: Expanding The Shepherd’s Grain Brand: The Crossroads of Economics and Sustainability
Case authors: Aaron J. Johnson and Rodney B. Holcomb
2009 AAEA meeting in Milwaukee, WI
Case: Jowler Creek Vineyard and Winery: Uncorking Sustainable Growth in the Boutique Wine Industry
Case authors: Michelle Mullins Santiago and Michael Sykuta
2008 AAEA meeting in Orlando, FL
Case: Imagination Farms, Licensing and Marketing Disney Garden Fresh Produce to Children
Case authors: Roberta Cook, Allen Wysocki and Lisa House
2007 AAEA meeting in Portland, OR
Case: Stahlbush Island Farms Inc., Innovation and Growth in Sustainable Food Products
Case authors: Aaron J. Johnson and H. Christopher Peterson
2006 AAEA meeting in Long Beach, CA
Case: Sun-Maid Growers of California
Case authors: Michael Boland
2005 AAEA meeting in Providence, RI
Case: What’s Interacting at eMerge?
Case authors: Lacey Menasco, John Foltz, Joseph Guenthner and Steven Shook
2004 AAEA meeting in Denver, CO
Case: Vertical Coordination in the Malting Barley Industry: A ‘Silver Bullet’ for Coors?
Case authors: Michael Boland, Gary Brester and Wendy Umberger
2003 AAEA meeting in Montreal, Quebec
Case: The Cranberry Industry at the Crossroads
Case authors: Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Michael Boland and David Barton
2002 AAEA meeting in Long Beach, CA
Case: Zeneca Group PLC
Case authors: Ralph Sykes, Tom Funk, and Steve Hawkins
2001 AAEA meeting in Chicago, IL
Case: XSInc.com – Redefining Agricultural Input Supply
Case authors: Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes, Carrie Cunningham, and James Kaufman.
2000 AAEA meeting in Tampa, FL (First year AEM partnered with GSS for the competition)
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1999 AAEA meeting in Nashville, TN
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1998 AAEA meeting in Salt Lake City, NV (First year of the GSS Case Study Competition)
Case: Mycogen: Building a Seed Company for the Twenty-first Century
Case authors: Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes
Published: Review of Agricultural Economics, Vo. 19, Number 2, pp. 453-462.