2024 Local Food Economics Data Visualization Challenge
We are excited to announce a second year of the Local Food Economics Data Visualization Challenge!
What is the challenge?
Intended for graduate students in agricultural and applied economics, this challenge is an opportunity to practice your coding and data visualization skills, build your network, connect with mentors, learn about USDA AMS’ local food data tools and Regional Food Business Centers, and potentially receive travel support to attend the 2024 AAEA Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA!
Generously sponsored by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), and co-organized by the AAEA Graduate Student Section (GSS) and AMS, this AAEA competition will challenge graduate student teams of three from around the US to develop a novel data visualization and analysis that responds to competition prompts using the Local Food Data Warehouse and FAME tools developed by a team of researchers from Colorado State University, the University of Kentucky, and the USDA AMS, as well as many representatives from local and regional food system nonprofits. This year, we are also working in partnership with the new Regional Food Business Centers to provide analysis relevant to the 12 regions.
Pending final approval, USDA AMS funds will provide travel support for student teams to attend the AAEA Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA on July 28-30, 2024, and cash awards for winning teams.
Who can participate?
Applicants must:
- Be students enrolled in a Master’s or PhD program in applied economics or a closely related field in the United States during the 2023-2024 academic year,
- Have at least beginner knowledge in coding and data visualization and an interest to practice these skills, and
- Have interest and/or experience in local food systems.
Graduate students from minority serving institutions are encouraged to apply.
Please note: We will be prioritizing students in agricultural and applied economics programs and students who did not participate in the in-person Data Visualization challenge in Summer 2023 when selecting participants.
How will the competition be structured?
- Students can apply either as an individual or as a team of three students.
- Individuals will be matched with two other individuals using information gathered in the application.
- Teams can include students from the same or different universities.
- All teams will be assigned one faculty member and one USDA AMS staff member as mentors. Applicants will have the opportunity to re a specific mentor during the application process. Please note mentor requests will be taken into consideration but are not guaranteed.
What’s expected of participants?
- Attend one 90-minute competition kick-off webinar at 10-11:30 AM Pacific/1-2:30 PM Eastern on Friday, May 17, to become oriented to FAME and the Data Warehouse, hear the competition prompts, and meet with your team and mentors.
- Work in person and/or virtually with your team in May, June, and July 2024 to develop your data visualization and analysis based on the prompts provided at the kick-off webinar.
- Meet with your team and mentors 3-4 times over Zoom during May, June, and July 2024 leading up to the challenge submission to discuss ideas, get feedback, and ask questions – your group can determine the meeting times that best fit your schedule.
- Upload your completed data visualization submission for judge review by Friday, July 19 at 11:59 PM Eastern.
- Present your data visualization and analysis in person to competition judges at the AAEA Annual Meeting on Sunday, July 28, 2024, in New Orleans, LA.
What are the benefit to participants?
- Cash prizes and plaques for top three teams and recognition during the Awards Ceremony at the AAEA Annual Meeting (the evening of Monday, July 29)
- Cash awards: $1,200 for 1st place, $600 for 2nd place, and $300 for 3rd place
- Travel awards to attend the 2024 AAEA Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA (based on need)
- Networking opportunities with fellow graduate students, faculty experts in local food systems, and USDA AMS staff members
- Opportunities to practice and develop data visualization and coding skills
- Enhanced familiarity with AMS’ local food tools and Regional Food Business Centers
To apply, please complete this application form at your earliest convenience, and no later than Sunday, April 28: Link to Survey
If applying as a team, please compile all team information so it can be submitted on one form. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by Friday, May 10, 2024.
Questions can be directed to AAEA GSS Faculty Advisor and AAEA Mentorship Committee Chair Dr. Zoë Plakias (plakiaz@wwu.edu).
Inaugural (2023) Local Food Economics Data Visualization Challenge
In Summer 2023, the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Local and Regional Foods Division and AAEA Graduate Student Section (GSS) organized a Local Food Economics Data Visualization Challenge.
As part of this challenge, graduate students worked in teams with the support of faculty mentors from the around the US and mentors from USDA AMS to develop a novel data visualization and analysis to present to expert judges at the AAEA Annual Meeting in Washington, DC in July 2023. Due to substantial student interest, a virtual-only challenge was added to accommodate more participants.
The specific prompt for the 2023 challenge was: Develop an index of local and regional food systems strength or equity by using the Local Food Data Warehouse, the Food and Agriculture Mapper and Explorer (FAME), and publicly available supplemental data. Generate an accompanying data visualization that applies your index to a specific geography.
The Local Food Data Warehouse and FAME tool were developed by a team of researchers from Colorado State University, the University of Kentucky, and the USDA AMS, and their use by food system scholars and practitioners is encouraged!
Student teams were required to submit a static data visualization, code file, and one-page description of their index, and in-person participants were required to prepare a 10-minute presentation.
In-person winning teams:
- First Place: Elizabeth Fraysse, Fei Qin, and Yi Wang (all at Purdue University)
- Second Place: Chaebeen Yoon (Louisiana State University), Huong Nguyen (Virginia Tech), and Ivy Mackereth (West Virginia University)
- Third Place: Angelos Lagoudakis, Ezra Butcher, and Levi Soboriwicz (all at Iowa State University)
Virtual winning teams:
- First Place: Eugene Nuworsu (Purdue University), Mohammad Rezoanul Hoque (Texas Tech University), and Xiaoqi Wang (Tufts University)
- Second Place: Yang Cheng, Naveen Abedin, and Yunus Emre Karagulle (all at Virginia Tech)
- Third Place: Oscar Sarasty, Manuel Garcia, and Trevor Johnson (all at Texas Tech University)
Thank you to our 39 student participants for the interest, engagement, and hard work. We are also incredibly grateful to the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Local and Regional Foods Division for providing $19,700 for need-based travel support for students and mentors and cash awards for winning teams, and an estimated 100 hours of in-kind staff support for this event. Finally, thank you to the judges and mentors from universities around the US that we estimate contributed at least 100 hours of in-kind support.