8:30 am - 9:30 am
July 25, 2023
Salon 6-10
"Making a difference through trusted, high-quality research and statistics"
Mary has held senior leadership positions in the U.S. federal statistical and research system at the Departments of Commerce and Agriculture. She joined the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) as Deputy Director in March 2019 and added the role of Acting Director in March 2020. She led BEA from the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring on-time delivery of BEA’s statistics while overseeing the development of new statistics, including rapid data to help understand the effects of the pandemic and recovery programs. Mary served as Acting Director until December 2022 and retired in April 2023.
Mary was Administrator of USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) for almost 7 years. She led initiatives to strengthen the quality of ERS programs, publications, and data by implementing independent reviews and incentives to publish in high impact journals. She provided leadership for international initiatives to improve agricultural and rural statistics through the UN Statistical Commission and worked to build partnerships among agricultural economics research organizations.
Developing the next generation has long been one of Mary’s priorities. She expanded opportunities for leadership training at BEA. Previously, she initiated and managed a successful mentoring program for ERS employees and helped establish a mentoring program for the agricultural economics profession.